tenderly in English


gently, delicately

Use "tenderly" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tenderly" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tenderly", or refer to the context using the word "tenderly" in the English Dictionary.

1. Be Tenderly Compassionate

2. Tenderly pleading today:

3. Grandma cozied Alice tenderly.

4. He embraced his daughter tenderly.

5. Maria's tenderly passionate mouth tightened.

6. Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep

7. Mr. White tenderly embraced his wife.

8. Tenderly she laid it on the bed.

9. The old lady tenderly cherished her dog.

10. " Corky, old man! " I said, massaging him tenderly.

11. She laid the child tenderly on the bed.

12. He drew the girl tenderly towards him.

13. He reached out and stroked her cheek tenderly.

14. She cradled him tenderly in her arms.

15. Do hold me tenderly at a straight angle .

16. 26 She laid the child tenderly on the bed.

17. He turned his body sideways, tenderly, to protect his eyes.

18. She tidied her hair and looked at him tenderly.

19. He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung. 

20. 6 His mouth caressed hers, sensuously, tenderly, trying to soothe her confusion.

21. Alluring woman with clean fresh skin is touching the face tenderly

22. Friends, the time has come to tenderly kiss Le Blagueur goodnight

23. He treated his automobiles almost as tenderly as he did his wife.

24. His mouth caressed hers, sensuously, tenderly, trying to soothe her confusion.

25. She then tenderly kissed his feet and greased them with perfumed oil.

26. She puts her arms gingerly and tenderly round an inscrutable black trunk.

27. Also, she tenderly kissed his feet and poured the perfumed oil on them.

28. When he stopped, he began to feel tenderly among the long grass.

29. He touched her face very tenderly and believed he felt warm flesh.

30. 21 She puts her arms gingerly and tenderly round an inscrutable black trunk.

31. Antonyms for Barbarically include gently, humanely, kindly, nicely, graciously, sensitively, magnanimously, goodly, philanthropically and tenderly

32. Thesky Bendsso tenderly, lovingly o'er us, Withcloudso'er the hills like greysoldiers in file

33. She embraced her son tenderly when he came home after ten years' absence.

34. Before falling at right angles, Do hold me tenderly at a straight angle.

35. He lifted the curtain to his lips, kissed it tenderly, and then turned to his audience.

36. “But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another.” —4:32.

37. Synonyms for Benignly include kindly, thoughtfully, benevolently, graciously, tenderly, affectionately, considerately, generously, lovingly and helpfully

38. James resists at first, but, captivated by her ethereal beauty, capitulates and kisses her tenderly.

39. Synonyms for Amorously include fondly, affectionately, dearly, lovingly, tenderly, adoringly, indulgently, possessively, with affection and devotedly

40. Moreover, a Christian is told to show fellow feeling, to have affection, and to be tenderly compassionate.

41. 17 When the father reached his son, he fell upon his son’s neck and tenderly kissed him.

42. She tenderly kisses his feet and pours on them some fragrant oil that she has brought.

43. They handle an injured sheep tenderly, bandaging him and applying the soothing balm of God’s Word.

44. She held me tenderly and stroked my hair, and said nothing until I was calm again.

45. She rubbed her belly and touched her face tenderly, smearing the blood and pressing the shallow bite wound.

46. The ties that will bind you yet more tenderly and strongly to the home you so adorn.

47. Tenderly he wiped its mouth and nostrils and eyes as it coughed into life, vomiting saline nutrient over his hands.

48. "In love of the brethren be tenderly Affectioned one to another; in honor preferring one another;."

49. 15 He had never believed that a woman could see into a man's heart so tenderly, so understandingly.

50. He treated the piglet tenderly, played games with it, and spoke to it as if to a child.