technocrats in English

an exponent or advocate of technocracy.
Simultaneously, a forward-looking bishop authorized young Christian Democrat technocrats to experiment with transferring church-owned farms to their workers.

Use "technocrats" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "technocrats" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "technocrats", or refer to the context using the word "technocrats" in the English Dictionary.

1. He and Crown Prince Fahd relied less on technocrats and recentralized state apparatus.

2. The dam itself has actually more than 500 engineers and technocrats worked on site.

3. The cross-section of Indian community abroad includes technocrats, industrialists, businessmen, students and skilled and unskilled workers.

4. The country is currently run by a banker, Lamberto Dini, who leads a nonpolitical government of technocrats.

5. Then , there is the permanent administration comprising the civil services ? the huge staff of administrators , experts , technocrats and others forming the administrative apparatus which really helps the ministers in the formulation and implementation of policies .

6. LONDON – After a 16-hour marathon negotiating session ending on March 20, politicians, technocrats, and journalists were all keen to declare the deal on the final piece of Europe’s banking union a success.

7. A triumphant Mussolini called for a “trenchocracy” made up of veterans to sweep out the technocrats and career politicians in order to make way for a strong state created by the “new man”: an Antiegoist elitist who represented, nevertheless, the perfect balance between full …