tapirs in English

a nocturnal hoofed mammal with a stout body, sturdy limbs, and a short flexible proboscis, native to the forests of tropical America and Malaysia.
Passing tigers, rhinos, tapirs , deer and other animals triggered the shutter by tripping infrared sensors.

Use "tapirs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tapirs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tapirs", or refer to the context using the word "tapirs" in the English Dictionary.

1. And tapirs are found in very, very small, isolated, disconnected populations.

2. And somehow, tapirs are still there, which gives me a lot of hope.

3. We have to educate people about tapirs and how important these animals are.

4. Tapirs are generally shy, but when scared they can defend themselves with their very powerful jaws.

5. Baird's tapirs have been observed to eat around 40 kg (85 lb) of vegetation in one day.

6. An experienced hunter, the jaguar feeds on about 85 species of animals, including tapirs, deer, and monkeys.

7. And we'll perform this Boolean operation because we really love yellow and tapirs on green grass.

8. If you think about it, the extinction of tapirs would seriously affect biodiversity as a whole.

9. And although I'm struggling with all these questions in my mind right now, I have a pact with tapirs.

10. The three zoos that house this species are working to ensure that the remaining wild populations of mountain tapirs are protected.

11. I have dedicated the past 20 years of my life to the research and conservation of tapirs in Brazil, and it has been absolutely amazing.

12. Tapirs are mostly found in tropical forests such as the Amazon, and they absolutely need large patches of habitat in order to find all the resources they need to reproduce and survive.

13. And I'll keep doing this for Patrícia, my namesake, one of the first tapirs we captured and monitored in the Atlantic Forest many, many years ago; for Rita and her baby Vincent in the Pantanal.

14. And I will keep doing this for the hundreds of tapirs that I've had the pleasure to meet over the years and the many others I know I will encounter in the future.

15. Tapirs near a water source will swim, sink to the bottom, and walk along the riverbed to feed, and have been known to submerge themselves under water to allow small fish to pick parasites off their bulky bodies.

16. ‘The Northern immigrants to South America included the rodents, Carnivora (bears, cats, dogs, etc.), llamas and horses, bovids (particularly deer), and the tapirs and elephants.’ ‘It is also true that not all Carnivora are carnivorous; some, such as bears and raccoons, are decidedly omnivorous, and at least one, the panda, is primarily

17. ANCIENT Arctogaea Inspection of the foregoing lists which represent the existing fauna of the various zoo-geographical regions, will show that although they are distinct from one another and mingle only incompletely in the transition regions, certain animals such as the tapirs, may occur in widely separated areas not now connected by a practicable land-bridge.