talmudical tractate in English

section of the Talmud dealing with a specific topic

Use "talmudical tractate" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "talmudical tractate" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "talmudical tractate", or refer to the context using the word "talmudical tractate" in the English Dictionary.

1. Talmudical billetwood Assentatious slaggier sexennium alphameric Andronicus planulan scratchpad

2. Nondepraved Talmudical shunt Bleinerite lynx-eyed light-horseman Mayodan falsificator axle-tree

3. Vol 1 contains tranlsations of Aggadoth from Tractate Brachoth of the Jerusalem Talmud

4. Vol 1 contains tranlsations of Aggadoth from Tractate Brachoth of the Jerusalem Talmud

5. Crepitate •lactate, tractate •apartheid • peltate • edentate •testate • dictate • meditate • agitate •vegetate • interdigitate •cogitate

6. Tractate Kiddushin devotes significant space to discussing “conditional Betrothals.” These can take a variety of forms but usually are

7. The whole of chapter 6 of tractate Bekhorot is devoted to an enumeration of those Blemishes in an animal

8. The Aggadot on the Destruction begin with a general statement: “Rabbi Yohanan said: Blessed is the man who is always wary” (Tractate Gittin)

9. These words are found at the beginning of an aggada relating to the Destruction, the first in a series of such Aggadot in the Babylonian Talmud in tractate Gittin

10. For a man to Betroth a woman, we have learned in Tractate Kiddushin, requires two things: a declaration of intent, and the transfer of money or an item of value worth at least one peruta

11. ‘To clarify the case of the designated Bondmaid, it is helpful to reference Tractate Yevamoth, found here.’ ‘The Bondmaids of Torvaldsland do not wear silks of any kind but kirtles of white wool.’ ‘All menial tasks like cleaning in temples and private households were undertaken by Bondmaids whose position was not high in the society.’