take the mickey out of someone in English

(Slang) mock someone

Use "take the mickey out of someone" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "take the mickey out of someone" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "take the mickey out of someone", or refer to the context using the word "take the mickey out of someone" in the English Dictionary.

1. Will someone take out the trash ?

2. You needed someone to take it out of your hands because you are out of your depth, Annabel.

3. & Canad.), jest, take the mickey (informal), chaff They shared a cocktail and Bantered easily

4. Bawl someone out, Bawl out someoneReprimand someone angrily.

5. But, if it goes too far, your mate may just say: "Oh, it's just a bit of Bants." take the piss take the mickey In the event you take the Bants too far, you might be said to be taking the piss (out of them).

6. Someone has to take the bullet.

7. Blackleg - take the place of work of someone on strike

8. You expecting some trouble, Mickey?

9. Say hello to Mickey.

10. Take this and find someone nice.

11. It's Mickey Cohen's pride and joy.

12. Confiscate (something) from (someone) To take something away from someone, often as a form of punishment

13. Bonni Lou Kern, Self: The Mickey Mouse Club

14. And someone take their weapons and ammo.

15. We need someone to take charge of our physical training.

16. Someone will have to take charge after the war.

17. The definition of Adventurous is someone who is willing to take chances

18. Bailment definition: the right to take possession temporarily of someone else's property:

19. Bailment meaning: the right to take possession temporarily of someone else's property:

20. See also: Beguile Beguile (someone) out of

21. Someone in your organization's out of control.

22. Someone wants to put us out of the race.

23. Animatronics are robotic versions of cartoon characters in Epic Mickey and Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two.They are similar to Beetleworx, who are themselves a type of Animatronic

24. When someone sees roadkill on the road, they yell out "Critter-Critter!" If a boy yells it out, all the girls must take off one article of clothing

25. To wage guerilla war against Mickey Cohen.