syllables in English

a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word; e.g., there are two syllables in water and three in inferno.
The vowels of the stressed syllables in such words as father and fodder are generally identical.
pronounce (a word or phrase) clearly, syllable by syllable.

Use "syllables" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "syllables" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "syllables", or refer to the context using the word "syllables" in the English Dictionary.

1. Anathematises (6 syllables), anathematize (5 Syllables), anathemize (4 Syllables), comminate (3 Syllables), execrate (3 Syllables) anathematize (5 syllables), anathemize (4 syllables), comminate (3 syllables), execrate (3 syllables), What do you think of our answer to how many syllables are in anathematise? Are the syllable count, pronunciation

2. Beldames (2 syllables), beldam (2 Syllables), crone (1 Syllables), hag (1 Syllables), witch (1 Syllables) beldam (2 syllables), crone (1 syllables), hag (1 syllables), witch (1 syllables), What do you think of our answer to how many syllables are in beldame? Are the syllable count, pronunciation, words that rhyme, and syllable divisions for

3. Syllables in Boonless; How many syllables in Boonless

4. Syllables in Btise; How many syllables in Btise

5. How many syllables has Clareted? 4 syllables; More information

6. Bivocal 4 syllables: multivocal, semivocal, univocal 5 syllables: unequivocal

7. How many syllables has Bolixed? 2 syllables; More information

8. How many syllables has Bastardies? 4 syllables; More information

9. How many syllables has Cloisterers? 3 syllables; More information

10. How many syllables are in Bristling with(p)? 3 syllables

11. Chasmy How many syllables? 2 Syllables How it's divided? chasm-y

12. Azoology 5 syllables: cryptozoology, epizoology, protozoology 6 syllables: palaeozoology, paleozoology

13. Buboed How many syllables? 2 Syllables How it's divided? bu-boed

14. Alack How many syllables? 2 Syllables How it's divided? a-lack

15. Word Boonless How many syllables? 2 Syllables How it's divided? boon-less

16. Barmiest How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? barm-i-est

17. Amphius How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? am-phi-us

18. Bowdlerized How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? bowd-ler-ized

19. Alky How many syllables? 2 Syllables How it's divided? al-ky

20. Word Btise How many syllables? 2 Syllables How it's divided? b-tise

21. Broodier How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? brood-i-er

22. Acceptant How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? ac-cept-ant

23. Cussedness How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? cuss-ed-ness

24. Word Brooklike How many syllables? 2 Syllables How it's divided? brook-like

25. Actualised How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? ac-tu-al-ised

26. Word Aversely How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? a-verse-ly

27. Acaulescence How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? ac-au-les-cence

28. Analogize How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? a-nal-o-gize

29. Cristated How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? cris-tat-ed

30. Basiliscine How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? bas-i-lis-cine

31. Beleaguerer How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? be-lea-guer-er

32. Bountifully How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? boun-ti-ful-ly

33. Ambuscader How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? am-bus-cad-er

34. Arsyversy How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? ar-sy-ver-sy

35. Alphameric How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? al-pha-mer-ic

36. Words and phrases that rhyme with Bimuscular: (12 results) 3 syllables: muscular 4 syllables: arbuscular, crepuscular, lacuscular, majuscular, submuscular 5 syllables: fibromuscular, intermuscular, intramuscular, nervomuscular, unimuscular 6 syllables: idiomuscular Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (37 results) 3 syllables:

37. Words and phrases that rhyme with Avoidable: (3 results) 3 syllables: voidable 4 syllables: avoid double 5 syllables: unAvoidable Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (19 results) 3 syllables: audible, breakable, capable, hateable, liable, pliable, quotable, spoilable 4 syllables:

38. Analogised How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? a-nal-o-gised

39. After eliminating the meaning-laden syllables, Ebbinghaus ended up with 2,300 resultant syllables.

40. Cantankerously How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? can-tan-ker-ous-ly

41. Buccinatory How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? buc-ci-na-to-ry

42. Apotheosise How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? a-poth-e-o-sise

43. Apotheosise How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? a-poth-e-o-sise

44. Chameleonic How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? cha-me-le-on-ic

45. Anthropophagite How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? an-thro-poph-a-gite

46. Word Allegorise How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? al-le-go-rise

47. Ademonist 5 syllables: antifeminist

48. Actinomycetous 6 syllables: basidiomycetous

49. How many syllables in Childlike? 5 1 3 7 2 6 8 9 4 syllables

50. How many syllables in Capable? 8 1 4 6 2 3 5 7 9 syllables