swore in English

make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.
Maria made me swear I would never tell anyone
use offensive language, especially as an expression of anger.
Peter swore under his breath
synonyms:curseblasphemeutter profanitiesutter oathsuse bad languagetake the Lord's name in vaincussexecrate

Use "swore" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "swore" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "swore", or refer to the context using the word "swore" in the English Dictionary.

1. She swore revenge.

2. Jane swore us to secrecy.

3. They swore before the memorial.

4. He swore by my pictures.

5. She blushed scarlet when I swore.

6. He swore to obey the king.

7. She and I swore undying love.

8. The knights swore loyalty unto death.

9. He swore fealty to his lord.

10. He swore fealty to the king.

11. The chauffeur swore on the Book.

12. She fell over and swore loudly.

13. As I said, he swore too much.

14. He swore he didn't take your pen.

15. He turned round and swore at me.

16. Victor swore he would get his revenge.

17. They swore allegiance and fidelity to him.

18. He swore vengeance on his child's killer.

19. I swore never to cook after disembodiment.

20. He swore loudly at her and left.

21. She swore that she'd never seen him.

22. He swore never to divulge the secret.

23. She swore by her inferior sherry to me.

24. I swore not to tell anybody about it.

25. Cobalt sat up, swore and rubbed his head.

26. Knights swore to be true to their lord.

27. Like when I swore off Pop Rocks.

28. The detectives swore out a search warrant.

29. He swore he would love her forever.

30. (Laughter) As I said, he swore too much.

31. 6 Woolley swore, cursing the enemy into flames.

32. He swore an oath to support the king.

33. He turned away from her and swore Bitterly, …

34. He swore he would avenge his brother's death.

35. They swore to take their revenge on the kidnappers.

36. I swore at him for being such a jerk.

37. They swore an oath of loyalty to the country.

38. He swore, which was out of character for him.

39. The Junta swore the oath of office that afternoon.

40. When I swore off killing, Shishio took my place.

41. She swore that she wouldn't apologize-she'd die first!

42. He swore vengeance on everyone involved in the murder.

43. He swore that he had never touched the kid.

44. He swore in Spanish, another indication that he was rattled.

45. He swore vengeance against the men who murdered his father.

46. His informant swore blind that the arms were still there.

47. They swore an oath of fidelity to their king.

48. I swore to your mother by the old gods-

49. I thought you swore off the Home Shopping Network.

50. After years of addiction, he swore off drugs completely.