swirled in English

Use "swirled" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "swirled" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "swirled", or refer to the context using the word "swirled" in the English Dictionary.

1. The water swirled down the drain.

2. The ice cubes swirled down the drain.

3. Smoke swirled up the chimney.

4. The fog swirled thickly around us.

5. Gourd swirled the remaining liquid in his glass.

6. (verb) Swirled the wine to Aromatize it.

7. Bits of phosphorescence swirled in the foam.

8. Serve warm swirled with soured cream and garnished with fresh herbs.

9. The traffic swirled by on the splashing road.

10. The yellowish brown smoke fumed up and swirled.

11. 1 Small dust devils swirled through the ashes.

12. He swirled the brandy around in the huge goblet.

13. The log was swirled away downstream by the current.

14. To make aromatic or fragrant: swirled the wine to Aromatize it

15. (adverb) The long skirts of the dancers swirled around them Billowingly.

16. As we flared, spray from the rice paddy swirled around us.

17. Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.

18. They were impressionist paintings, glowing colours that swirled into form.

19. They swirled about us, rumbling overhead and underfoot, then drifted past.

20. To make aromatic or fragrant: swirled the wine to Aromatize it

21. The water swirled up to her knees and then past her waist.

22. So brave, so dashing when he swirled that long cloak around him.

23. It swirled amongst the convent buildings, dulling the spirit - even mine after such a riotous night.

24. He took a mouthful of water and swirled it around his mouth.

25. It swirled and howled, driving the sleet and snow towards him alone.

26. Babka, or baba, is typically baked in a swirled pan, resembling an old peasant woman's swirling skirt

27. The-billowing smoke of the bonfire swirled those fragments far and wide over the earth.

28. Carried by the wind, this deadly gas swirled into houses and over sleeping families.

29. Silvery water swirled beneath and we spied grey wag tails on wet boulders in mid-stream.

30. Synonyms for Billowed include flowed, emitted, poured, spouted, streamed, gushed, spewed, spewn, swirled and coursed

31. They were aimless places that swirled around the cramped rooms where he always ended up.

32. In addition, the swirled-up dust absorbs heat, thereby increasing the ambient temperature at the location of Opportunity.

33. Phytoplankton swirled across the Arabian Sea on February 20 drawn into thin green ribbons by turbulent eddies.

34. They sped along on nimble feet; the musicians played; their cloaks swirled, they laughed and gambolled in their finery.

35. The Oospores were mixed with an Antheridia suspension then the zygotes were swirled and allowed to settle

36. Rumors swirled through the marketplace, fanned by a television report, that Fidelity had put pressure on Mr Vinik to resign.

37. Fall 2017 Buzzworthy Feature Dozens of young honey bees swirled and buzzed through the air on the warm, late June day

38. A sense of genuine contentment filled the air, and I couldn’t help smiling as stories and ideas swirled through the room.

39. Cloud swirled up from the valleys, clearing spasmodically to reveal distant peaks, ice-cold lakes and the long ridge in front.

40. Monstrous creatures and horrendous sounds rushed out in a cloud of smoke and swirled around her, screeching and cackling.

41. Rumors swirled about who this "monkey man" was — a new Pakistani plot, perhaps, or the avatar of a wrathful Hindu deity?

42. 20 Lapland buntings and skylarks swirled and settled, searching for the last seeds of salt marsh plants below the bank.

43. With nervous steps, I crossed from one slippery wet boulder to the next whilst the water swirled and gurgled beneath.

44. 30 She wore a faded, swirled-patterned dress and her husband had on work pants and a checkered,[www.Sentencedict.com] short-sleeved shirt.

45. Blotched or classic tabby The Blotched tabby, also called classic tabby, is characterized by thick curved bands in a swirled pattern

46. She wore a pale pink dress that swirled around slender legs and her hair was caught back with a matching headband.

47. Duff’s chocolate-swirled Babka is a great project for anyone who is ready to take their bread baking skills to the next level

48. It was a close call for the Hawaiian Islands as the eye of Hurricane Douglas, a Category 1 hurricane, swirled north of the island chain

49. Also, think of the three cab drivers who lost their lives waiting for the news reporters and cameramen when the volcanic flow swirled down the slope.

50. This focal big hole bead is a base of Boysenberry on which Double Helix Kronos 2 powder was generously added and stormed Double Helix Clio swirled