surplus value in English

(in Marxist theory) the excess of value produced by the labor of workers over the wages they are paid.
At a certain point it is confronted with the fact that it is a claim on surplus value and this surplus value has to be actually extracted from the working class.

Use "surplus value" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "surplus value" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "surplus value", or refer to the context using the word "surplus value" in the English Dictionary.

1. Surplus value is Alterable capital generation

2. The appropriation of realised surplus-value as (profit) income after deduction of costs.

3. In those cases the optical image stabilizer (IS) is absolutely a surplus value.

4. Both the absolute and relative surplus value have been calculated in the example.

5. If the surplus value is positive, the owner’s profit expectation has been surpassed.

6. 23 First, one can not crudely equate surplus labour, surplus product and surplus-value.

7. The starting point is a profitability calculation using surplus value as a criterion of profitability.

8. Absolutely a surplus value on the Canon Digital IXUS 860 IS camera is the built-in optical image stabilizer.

9. Here, capital is defined essentially as economic or commercial asset value in search of additional value or surplus-value.

10. The goal of Chinese economic reform was to generate sufficient surplus value to finance the modernization of the mainland Chinese economy.

11. Since Marx believed that profit derived from surplus value appropriated from labour, he concluded that the rate of profit would fall as the economy grows.

12. Once those errors are corrected, Marx's conclusion that aggregate price and profit are determined by—and equal to—aggregate value and surplus value no longer holds true.

13. Labour which is sufficiently productive so that it can perform surplus labour is, in a cash economy, the material foundation for the appropriation of surplus-value from that labour.

14. This takes place by simply creating one auxiliary column (4) in which a surplus value calculation is compiled using the quantities of Period 1 and the prices of Period 2.