surface wind in English

breeze on the surface, wind on the surface

Use "surface wind" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "surface wind" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "surface wind", or refer to the context using the word "surface wind" in the English Dictionary.

1. Weather, 66, 72-78 Scorer, R.S., 1952: Mountain-gap winds; a study of the surface wind in Gibraltar.

2. Macro-algae patches were also found to drift eastwardly towards the Korea Peninsular, which are supposed to be driven by the sea surface wind.

3. The annual surface wind information was collected using an Anemograph (CAS ZAGFX200–11) placed near the railway line, and annual radiosonde data from the Naqu weather station were used to provide the gradient speed

4. 288 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acadenmy VF frictional component of V V0 surface value of V VS constant representative value of surface wind w vertical component of velocity WA Allobaric vertical velocity at ZT