subtlest in English

(especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.
his language expresses rich and subtle meanings

Use "subtlest" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subtlest" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subtlest", or refer to the context using the word "subtlest" in the English Dictionary.

1. Someone said that tardiness is the subtlest form of selflove and conceit.

2. Synonyms for Astutest include canniest, sharpest, shrewdest, acutest, quickest, subtlest, brightest, cleverest, craftiest and savviest

3. One of the subtlest adjustments Zack Snyder’s re-edited vision makes to the DCEU canon is the way the Atlanteans speak, and I’m not talking about Amber Heard’s ridiculous British accent.

4. Winner of the 2012 National Book Award for Poetry.To read David Ferry’s Bewilderment is to be reminded that poetry of the highest order can be made by the subtlest of means

5. 1903, Henry James, The Ambassadors: The mellowest lamplight and the easiest chair had been placed at his disposal by Baptiste—subtlest of servants; the novel half uncut, the novel lemon-coloured and tender, with the ivory knife athwart it like a dagger in a Contadina's hair, had been pushed within the soft circle—a circle

6. Though, in the original text, the Duchess gets called not a "goose" but, less Appetizingly, a buse--a buzzard--this renomination of an object figured elsewhere as irresistibly succulent betokens less some failed or half-hearted attempt at aversion therapy than a perverse technique, like that still preferred by the subtlest (not to say the most jaded) of palates, for making the flavor of fowl more intoxicatingly "high" …