styria in English


province of Austria; informal province in Slovenia

Use "styria" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "styria" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "styria", or refer to the context using the word "styria" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sophia took monastic vows and became an abbess at Admont, in Styria.

2. Schilcher, a very dry rosé, is the regional style of wine in West Styria.

3. The Franks and Bavarians of Styria and Carinthia called their Slavic neighbours "Windische".

4. Boder is a farm in Styria and has about 557 residents and an elevation of 789 metres

5. • Matchlock musket made in Suhl-Henneberg, Thuringia, 1600-1620; and bandoleer probably made in Styria, 17th century; Joanneum Graz, Landeszeughaus.

6. The province of Styria had rich iron ore deposits, and the country as a whole was home to many skilled labourers that would also be useful.

7. The mineral chemistry of several Pliocene alkali basaltic rocks from Burgenland and Styria (Eastern Austria) have been investigated in order to determine the evolution path of the basalt magmas prior to eruption.

8. The latitic rock mined at the Gossendorf open pit in the Gleichenberg Volcanic Area of Styria, Austria, has in places been completely altered to various associations of the secondary minerals opal-C/-CT, alunite, kaolinite and montmorillonite.

9. ‘Usually there is also a crown or so called ‘Archducal hat’ over the arms of Styria.’ ‘On June 28, 1914, after days of rumors about possible assassination attempts, the Archducal car was attacked by means of a bomb thrown from the large surrounding crowds.’