stuttering in English

talk with continued involuntary repetition of sounds, especially initial consonants.
the child was stuttering in fright

Use "stuttering" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stuttering" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stuttering", or refer to the context using the word "stuttering" in the English Dictionary.

1. Stuttering almost uncontrollably , Billy rejects the idea.

2. He was stuttering with rage.

3. His regrets was stuttering to me.

4. [ stuttering ] I don't accept your self-firing.

5. The pump was stuttering out water.

6. The clinical features are virtually indistinguishable from Stuttering.

7. Next to him, who would suspect poor, stuttering Professor Quirrell?

8. The client's uncanny intrusion started the solicitor stuttering.

9. Kline's mockery of Palin's stuttering in the movie was offensive.

10. Cluttering is as common as stuttering according to recent estimates

11. Stuttering can be a rare early manifestation in Japanese B encephalitis.

12. Construction Worker: [ stuttering ] I - I'd like to find one of them too, you know?

13. Treat correctly handle the stuttering and children in diseases such as astrictive stuttering, mostly because of infant's or mental stress, the boy suddenly about 4 percent, approximately 2 girls.

14. Stuttering has caused millions of people to agonize over this speech disorder.

15. Bursts of vicious guitar abuse, chattering electronics and blurty synths weave over stuttering, semi-metronomic percussives.

16. Boris is rubbing his hands one abundance time . Mr. Wren is yet stuttering and spluttering.

17. I had learned about stuttering in college, and I remembered hearing a little about Cluttering.

18. Cluttering is a fluency disorder that often coexists with stuttering but occasionally occurs in pure form

19. He had to stop talking because if he'd kept on, the stuttering would have started.

20. Cluttering is a communication disorder resulting in decreased fluency and intelligibility that often coexists with stuttering

21. Stuttering is a form of speech disorder characterised by difficulty getting words out, and involves repetitions or prolongations of sounds.

22. The stuttering of the tiny granules in the air was like constant bird cries that kept our village awake all night.

23. Psychogenetic stuttering begins in the area of the brain that controls thoughts and reasoning. It's most commonly associated with mental illness.

24. As with many other speech disorders, such as childhood apraxia of speech and stuttering, there’s a lot of poor quality information out there about Cluttering

25. Results: Attitudes toward Cluttering were essentially unaffected by rating either Cluttering only or combined Cluttering and stuttering on the same questionnaire in both countries

26. But when Matthew went to school, he had difficulty coping with the teasing from the other children, and his stuttering grew worse.

27. 6 The stuttering of the tiny granules in the air was like constant bird cries that kept our village awake all night.

28. It briefly explained the work of a team of speech therapists in Sydney, Australia, who had been successful in treating stuttering in young children.

29. [VIDEO] Stammering, Blabbering, Stuttering Pelosi Tries to Explain the Impeachment Delay By Michael van der Galien Dec 22, 2019 5:58 AM ET Share Tweet

30. The five attitudes, such as imperfection, emptiness, crookedness, clumsiness, and stuttering have a common character. They are modest, self-effacement, self-restraint and following-up.

31. Developmental stuttering is a popular speech disorder, about which there has been a hypothesis that laterality of brain speech function could be abnormal in stutterers.

32. This Accumulator was placed inline to stop the annoying pump stuttering while the lines were filling -- then the constant-on when the lines were

33. In demystifying the little-understood speech impediment, the award-winning film reveals myths and fascinating truths about stuttering, and has won praise from stutterers of all ages.

34. Now I choose to found the Stuttering Foundation of China, this is because I am a stutterer and I know how stutterers and their families in China need this Foundation.

35. Balthasar seemed to know just what I was feeling: Christians, he said, often feel like a foreigner forced to speak in a language whose rules they have never learned, or a stuttering child who

36. I don't know whether it was because the stuttering made me self-abasement, or maybe it was just because I did understand the importance of studying hard and got into a famous university.

37. What is Cluttering, and how is this different than stuttering? We’ve heard that question many times from readers, so we thought we’d take a moment to explain the speech disorder called Cluttering in more detail

38. There are ‘hooks’ and interludes, A and B sections, and lines of sound that take the place of conventional melody lines, even in the juddering, stuttering, difficult motif of In Line, or the manically Arrythmical Fool Moon.

39. Cluttering is a fluency disorder that involves disorganized, irregular, rapid, and unclear speaking, which is called cluttered speech. It is often mistaken for stuttering, but we will look at the differences later in the article.

40. Buffering…” It’s maddening, especially if you’ve cut the cord and embraced streaming video. If you’re dealing with stuttering, hanging, or just low quality video, there are a few things you can do to improve it

41. What is Cluttering? According to the Stuttering Foundation, Cluttering is defined as follows: “Cluttering is a fluency disorder characterized by a rapid and/or irregular speaking rate, excessive disfluencies, and often other symptoms such as language or phonological errors and attention deficits.

42. The Calms system is the most useful tool for tailoring individual treatment plans for a school-age child who stutters.” “The Calms provides a clear and concise methods for assessing and treating the affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of stuttering.

43. Examples of the types of information presented include: defining Cluttering (including historical perspectives), differential diagnosis between Cluttering and stuttering (as well as numerous other conditions), public awareness and perceptions of Cluttering, a wide range of key symptoms for clinicians to evaluate, detailed diagnostic procedures

44. Cluttering Speech pathology A condition characterized by an excessive rate of speech with an irregular rhythm, collapsing of sounds and words, and loss of syllables; Cluttering can range in severity from garbled, but generally intelligible, to virtually unintelligible, and may co-exist with stuttering Treatment Bethanechol may be effective.

45. Schools (special classes) for speech impaired children admit pupils with normal hearing and no primary damage of intellectual ability who have alalia or aphasia; rhinolalia in a degree which causes secondary underspeech; dysarthria; stuttering which hinders attending an ordinary school; mild hearing decline which causes secondary underspeech or defects of written speech; dysgraphia and dyslexia

46. Schools (special classes) for speech impaired children admit pupils with normal hearing and no primary damage of intellectual ability who have alalia or aphasia; rhinolalia in a degree which causes secondary underspeech; dysarthria; stuttering which hinders attending an ordinary school; mild hearing decline which causes secondary underspeech or defects of written speech; dysgraphia and dyslexia.

47. Nigh night my speech impediment, perhaps, bleeds out from my crooked teeth stained with love((lessness)) “& what do ye ((cherubs in ribcage)) feel,” as the circus tonight Bombinates & pitter patters like cotton candy shakes? sugarhighlover? “naught,” they croon, or, perhaps, i am stuttering the near night heeding ‘gainst the crook of my shoulder her shoulder which i stand up high