stunted in English

prevent from growing or developing properly.
some weeds produce chemicals that stunt the plant's growth
perform stunts, especially aerobatics.
agile terns are stunting over the water

Use "stunted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stunted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stunted", or refer to the context using the word "stunted" in the English Dictionary.

1. An abnormal climate stunted the crops.

2. Lack of food had stunted his growth.

3. 2 An abnormal climate stunted the crops.

4. Government-organised cartels have stunted its growth.

5. Drought has stunted this year's cereal crop.

6. High interest rates have stunted economic growth.

7. Slow economic growth stunted corporate profits last quarter.

8. 5 Slow economic growth stunted corporate profits last quarter.

9. 1 An abnormal climate stunted the crops.

10. His illness had not stunted his creativity.

11. Dark, Buzzardlike cormorants roost in its stunted trees

12. Wars stunted the development of science in the world.

13. Like i assume you only date emotionally stunted bigots.

14. A few stunted trees were the only vegetation visible.

15. Small farms produced poor, stunted crops, and riverbeds were just damp.

16. His personality was stunted by the brutal treatment in his childhood.

17. Her egg will therefore grow into a small, stunted wasp.

18. Buttoning produces misshapen vegetables and fruits as well as stunted growth.

19. Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.

20. A few stunted rowan trees reinforced the feeling of desolation.

21. But the landed oligarchy had stunted the country's democratic development for generations.

22. The constant winds had stunted the growth of plants and bushes.

23. Their trunks may be gnarled and twisted and their growth considerably stunted.

24. The stunted growth of these children shows that they are undernourished.

25. Montane vegetation at the highest altitudes tends to be stunted and windswept.

26. Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.

27. Without these things, the development of a child is stunted physically, mentally, and emotionally.

28. The willows between Essoldo and stream were old, stunted and easy to climb.

29. A person is not stunted emotionally because he is not a fornicator or an adulterer.

30. Stunted growth is shown in the presence of isoniazid, rifampicin, and few other drugs.

31. If it continues over a long period it could even lead to stunted growth.

32. Children with this disease - and they are the most susceptible group - are often pale and stunted.

33. A very low height-to-age ratio may reveal chronic undernourishment —the child is stunted.

34. And what about the psychological cost of broken or bereaved families and stunted educations or careers?

35. Avalanche and glacier lilies, lupine, Bistorts and tiger lilies dance beneath stunted subalpine fir trees

36. He returned an hour later with a few stunted bushes he had managed to prise from the rock.

37. Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital hypothyroidism

38. Adhere stunted whimsically louvered and purchase paxil uk sales furthermore Bioclimatologies pursuant to whom nonpunishable nonfactual

39. Damage Heavy infestations of Aphids can slowly weaken a plant and cause stunted and distorted growth.

40. Beneath a stunted row an tree the group was busily engaged, perhaps feasting on a rabbit carcase.

41. The old blackthorn tree, twisted and stunted by its choice of birthplace, made a convenient leaning post.

42. Plants that grow in the thin top layer are often small or stunted; their roots cannot penetrate the permafrost.

43. 10 The classical mandolin -- as opposed to its slightly different bluegrass cousin -- looks like a stunted lute.

44. Thus, after baptism, we need to continue to develop our spirituality so that our growth does not become stunted.

45. But don't opt for the obvious solution: cutting the stuff into stunted threads is practised only by the infantile.

46. The brain under these vessels develops severe seizures, is stunted in its growth, and becomes essentially useless.

47. 6 This section was a stunted pygmy of the city, but all hers to handle and manipulate.

48. Here and there on the hillside I could see sheep and goats grazing among the wild flowers and stunted trees.

49. Zinc supplements help prevent disease and reduce mortality, especially among children with low birth weight or stunted growth.

50. There were a few trees edging the pavement, but they were an urban stock, twisted and stunted by city poisons.