stubbornness in English


['stub·born·ness || 'stʌbə(r)nɪs]

obstinacy; persistence, tenacity

Use "stubbornness" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stubbornness" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stubbornness", or refer to the context using the word "stubbornness" in the English Dictionary.

1. His stubbornness got himself killed

2. I don't understand your stubbornness, Joss.

3. 21 Stubbornness, snappiness, or ill temper.

4. She's a curious mixture of stubbornness and servility.

5. 1 His refusal to talk was simple stubbornness.

6. 18 His refusal to talk was simple stubbornness.

7. Roly-poly character, perhaps innate stubbornness about me?

8. His stubbornness would try the patience of a saint.

9. Stubbornness was a characteristic he shared with his mother.

10. 2 She's a curious mixture of stubbornness and servility.

11. (Note: The word stiffneckedness means stubbornness and pride.)

12. 6 This often comes across as stubbornness and defiance.

13. 15 He can also bring stubbornness, eccentricity, rebellion, and perversity.

14. 21 He can also bring stubbornness, eccentricity, rebellion, and perversity.

15. 3 His stubbornness would try the patience of a saint.

16. Alongside stubbornness and negativism, the defiant child has enormous energy and persistence.

17. 4 Stubbornness was a characteristic he shared with his mother.

18. 9 Her stubbornness on this one issue is holding the whole deal up.

19. This sort of stubbornness makes you no better than the Tea Party.

20. 23 I couldn't tell if his refusal to talk was simple stubbornness.

21. 16 One can not help admiring his stubbornness, if not his greed.

22. 27 For I myself well know your rebelliousness+ and your stubbornness.

23. Generation gap, conservation, reminiscence, pedantry and stubbornness all basically derive from that.

24. 26 You could tell whether a horse's misbehaviour was due to fear or plain stubbornness.

25. Airedales are very intelligent dogs, but have a bit of stubbornness or independence

26. Her father, an equaBle and genial man, is tolerant of her spirited stuBBornness.

27. 14 Alongside stubbornness and negativism, the defiant child has enormous energy and persistence.

28. 5 Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders.

29. He will not let pride or stubbornness prevent him from adjusting or even reversing a decision.

30. Airedales are very intelligent dogs, but have a bit of stubbornness or independence

31. Not out of stubbornness or avarice or an egotistical desire to chase longevity records.

32. You could tell whether a horse's misbehaviour was due to fear or plain stubbornness.

33. 20 Love is often a victim of its stubbornness, sentimentality, irrationality and absurdity. Dr T.P.Chia 

34. 22 I might have become a dangerous man with all that stubbornness and obstinacy built into me.

35. Synonyms for Cussedness include obstinacy, perversity, pigheadedness, stubbornness, willfulness, cantankerousness, nastiness, orneriness, contrariness and

36. She had Hanoverian stubbornness and hot temper and she was sometimes cruel and intolerant.

37. Perhaps that stubbornness is the thing that makes Texas the most Braggadocious state in the union

38. Love is often a victim of its stubbornness, sentimentality, irrationality and absurdity. Dr T.P.Chia 

39. 18 Policy-makers felt general disappointment with the stubbornness of prices in the face of rising unemployment.

40. 8 Not out of stubbornness or avarice or an egotistical desire to chase longevity records.

41. I might have become a dangerous man with all that stubbornness and obstinacy built into me.

42. 25 You turned me into a goddamn sadist be-cause of your goddamn stinking country stubbornness.

43. 27 The merits of the case appear to have left little justification for two decades of expensive stubbornness.

44. 10 Love is often a victim of its stubbornness, sentimentality,( irrationality and absurdity. Dr T.P.Chia 

45. His arrogance made him virile and masculine, his stubbornness gave him the character to administer his centuries-old responsibilities.

46. Stubbornness: Individual willpower, the absolute determination to control drinking or drug use, is exactly what keeps the disease going.

47. The tendency of Down's children towards stubbornness and inflexibility needs to be countered from an early age.

48. Ambivalent teams and individuals that are unable to make or hold to decisions can flummox discussions as easily as stubbornness can.

49. 24 Her rudeness was seen as a charming independence of mind by her familya necessary training in stubbornness.

50. 20 The tendency of Down's children towards stubbornness and inflexibility needs to be countered from an early age.