strict liability in English

liability that does not depend on actual negligence or intent to harm.
Under these laws, one may sue for nuisance, trespass, negligence, strict liability or product liability.

Use "strict liability" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "strict liability" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "strict liability", or refer to the context using the word "strict liability" in the English Dictionary.

1. • “ ‘ “Conversion is a strict liability tort,” ’ so the Bank cannot defeat the claim on

2. Contractual liability is strict liability. Remedies for breach of contract can break the compensation principle.

3. Absolute Liability: Similar to Strict Liability, these offences do not require proof of mens rea either.

4. Offenses that can be committed without intent or knowledge are called strict liability or absolute liability offenses.

5. It was also averred that the basis for the liability should be absolute and not strict liability.

6. Causation is an element common to all three branches of torts: strict liability, negligence, and intentional wrongs

7. It was also averred that the basis for the liability should be absolute and not strict liability

8. There are a number of legal bases for a Buckyballs product liability lawsuit, such as: Negligence; Strict liability

9. Because of these difficulties, governments might decide to impose strict liability for compensation on the practitioners of in vitro fertilisation.

10. This resulted in the passing of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 which introduces a strict liability regime for defective products.

11. Strict liability is the reason why nobody has hitherto contemplated large-scale digitisation: the potential financial hazards are too unpredictable.

12. The tort of nuisance, for example, involves strict liability for a neighbor who interferes with another's enjoyment of his real property.

13. Abnormally dangerous activity refers to a category of activity which a judge may determine as Abnormally dangerous and, thus, subject to strict liability

14. Bailee Then as now, there were varying classes of "Bailees," running from Bailees for hire (essentially strict liability for property damage) to inadvertent Bailees

15. “Before ‘Bespeaks caution,’ if you could establish that there was a misstatement in a prospectus, there was strict liability, but then the smart guys came up with Bespeaks caution,” Robert

16. Empirical evidence doesn’t show that even conventional strict liability for “direct members of the chain of distribution” has much of an effect on product safety, Amazon Argued in its brief

17. But automatically applying the same (strict liability) mens rea standard to the aider and Abettor (the one loaning or selling the gun)--which is precisely what the federal aiding and abetting statute requires (7)--clashes with the congressional intent behind [section] 922 (d).

18. When Callie loses control of her car and Careened into an oncoming van injuring the passengers, she may be guilty of: Multiple Choice Ο Strict liability in tort Ο C) Intentional tort Ο Assault and Battery Ο Negligence Tort Ο Dram shop tort < Prev 20 of 21 II!

19. A form of strict liability can clearly be traced in the old Aedilian actions known as the actio redhibitoria and the actio quanti minoris, which still apply in South African Roman-Dutch law.5 Liability in these actions is not based on any culpable act of a defendant, but merely on the presence of a defect

20. It frames Minnesota's Human Rights Actunder which sexual harassment claims frequently are Broughtas "not a strict-liability statute." If individuals or businesses are not aware sexual harassment has taken place, but otherwise have acted reasonably to prevent or correct it, they "should not be held liable for sexual harassment committed by others," the Housley bill says.