stressing in English

give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing.
they stressed the need for reform
synonyms:emphasizedraw attention tounderlineunderscorepoint upplace emphasis onlay stress onhighlightaccentuatepress home
subject to pressure or tension.
this type of workout does stress the shoulder and knee joints
cause mental or emotional strain or tension in.
I avoid many of the things that used to stress me before
synonyms:overstretchovertaxpush to the limitpressuremake tenseworryharasshassle

Use "stressing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stressing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stressing", or refer to the context using the word "stressing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Axle loadings and stressing withstood

2. Others were Stoics, stressing self-discipline.

3. Democracy is not Achieved by stressing inequalities

4. Cuddling is amazing for de-stressing and creating intimacy

5. 13 Paul countered by stressing the role of Jesus Christ.

6. Discuss material with audience, stressing special benefits of the magazines.

7. Allow me to conclude by stressing that there should be no dilemma

8. Method and device for pre-stressing tapered roller bearings of a rolling mill roller

9. A lot of Latin-American officials are stressing the symbolic importance of the trip.

10. Talk by school overseer, stressing benefits and pointing out adjustments for coming year.

11. She's still stressing over the whole " dropped out of college, not actually qualified " thing.

12. Stressing the importance of gender balance in all programmes and actions concerning young people,

13. As a megalopolis in middle China, Wuhan has been stressing to absorb foreign capital.

14. Steel structure including a pre-stressing bracket for improving load-carrying capacity and serviceability

15. Stressing that civil society can play an important role in advancing efforts to sustain peace,

16. A predetermined load is applied to the load bearing member, thereby stressing the securing assembly.

17. It is also worth stressing that estimates include direct support to private offices of additional Commissioners.

18. Stressing the need to take into account all experience gained in the implementation of the Convention,

19. 6 The club also desirably was stressing now that must dare to use the young player.

20. Synonyms for Accentuating include accenting, highlighting, stressing, emphasising, emphasizing, underlining, featuring, foregrounding, underscoring and pointing up

21. Stressing the importance of that name, Jesus said in his model prayer: “Hallowed be thy name.”

22. Stressing the failure of the prescribed modalities for identification of resources to finance the Development Account,

23. The frictional connection may be ensured by anchors (6, 8), by pre-stressing means or by bonding.

24. In addition the Council has added language stressing the provisional and uncertain character of the ILUC values.

25. Ceremonial definition is - marked by, involved in, or belonging to ceremony : stressing careful attention to form and detail

26. Stressing the importance of measures to eliminate any conflicts of interest in the system of administration of justice,

27. The new Constitution gave full political rights to women, and the Government was stressing the advancement of women.

28. The poet used the Alliterative verse “Looking lovely like a lily” to draw the reader’s attention through syllable stressing.

29. A promo video stressing the artist's style is a shrewd marketing ploy which exploits the music industry's visual obsession.

30. Thus, the Guide to Practice should include a draft guideline stressing the final and irreversible nature of acceptances

31. 28 Arthur Schopenhauer, a pessimistic philosopher, started a rebellion against rationalism, stressing the importance of will and intuition.

32. Stressing the importance of advancing the implementation of the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development

33. The Ministry has issued a directive to all schools on admissions of children stressing that there should be no discrimination

34. The Ministry has issued a directive to all schools on admissions of children stressing that there should be no discrimination.

35. Since stressing takes place mainly in the sagittal plane, the adaptation of the structure must be examined in this plane.

36. But it gave its inner-city policy a new direction by stressing the role of private enterprise in economic regeneration.

37. Stressing the urgency of their preaching work, Jesus told his followers: “The harvest, indeed, is great, but the workers are few.

38. Brodie-Sangster’s rendition of speeches from Henry V only reveal his own Kenneth Branaghian tendency of over-stressing every other syllable.

39. This appears to result from their rules stressing moderate drinking, their praise of temperance, and their avoidance of excess in general.

40. This allows us to understand its role in the Earth system, track changes and predict potential responses to factors stressing the oceans.

41. For example, if a heavy load of homework is stressing you out, research the suggestions found in Chapter 13 of Volume 2.

42. What is a startup without bleary-eyed, junk-food-fueled, balls-to-the-wall days and sleepless, caffeine-fueled, relationship-stressing nights?

43. The participants discussed the challenges in prosecuting trafficking in firearms in the region stressing the need for producing relevant and admissible evidence.

44. The standard Babymoon fare here is perfectly lovely; it includes pregnancy-specific spa treatments, a de-stressing dad-to-be massage, picnics on any …

45. As, with increasing age, physical stressing of the skeletal system decreases, the spongiosa trabeculae lack an adequate stimulus for the preservation of their former structure.

46. No motion due to torsion, flexing and vibration of the vehicle structure, engine and transmission must subject fuel-system components to abnormal friction or stressing.

47. Parliament's lower house has approved legislation which, besides stressing the importance of parental guidance, requires schools to instil "a love of one's country" in children.

48. Real Bridezilla Horror Stories Whether it's stressing out about unimportant details or making the bridal party miserable, these brides have pushed their power to the limits

49. The positioning strategies considered here are the supplier’s adaptations regarding its customer’s processes, its service orientation, its flexibility, and market-signals stressing the supplier’s competence.

50. Countertransference Freud 1910–psychoanalysts unconscious response to patient, patient’s transference, stressing the need for analyst to overcome this as it is an obstacle to successful treatment