stratigraphic in English


of or pertaining to the distribution of strata (Geology)

Use "stratigraphic" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stratigraphic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stratigraphic", or refer to the context using the word "stratigraphic" in the English Dictionary.

1. Its stratigraphic range is Barremian to Albian.

2. Unconformities break up the sequence into several stratigraphic-structural units.

3. Copernican System (kŏ- per -nă-kăn) The youngest stratigraphic system of the Moon

4. Past International Team Competitions have included developing stratigraphic sequences, evaluating living on the Mt.

5. Within the studied basins, four seismo-stratigraphic units overlying the acoustic basement were recognized.

6. There is a good stratigraphic marker for Mars' third and most recent major period, the Amazonian

7. A proposed stratigraphic framework for Canadian glaciogenic sequences can be quantified, allowing insights into ice sheet dynamics.

8. Nevertheless, they are still based mainly on conventional stratigraphic "layer cake" conceptions about the internal structure of deposits.

9. Based on this stratigraphic calibration and other geophysical data, a geodynamic evolution can be established for the Tagus Abyssal Plain.

10. We quantify the role of Bioturbation and bioerosion in ecospace utilization and ecosystem engineering using information from 1367 stratigraphic units

11. This species extends the stratigraphic range of Columnal-bearing eocrinoids in Laurentia significantly from Cambrian Stage 7 (Guzhangian) to Stage 5

12. Immobile trace-element data represent a potentially valuable tool in stratigraphic correlation of Archean volcanic rocks, whether altered or unaltered.

13. Free quiz game :Types of Anticlines and Synclines anticline, syncline, types, Anticlines, synclines, geology, stratigraphic, layers, layer, earth, earth layers

14. Binning These data were obtained for a single stratigraphic section by Binning into four facies groups all beds that contained fossils

15. Lyell, in contrast focused on recent earthquakes (150 yrs), evidenced by surface irregularities such as faults, fissures, stratigraphic displacements and depressions.

16. The Brachiopod collection is the second largest in the nation in volume and in terms of geographic, stratigraphic and taxonomic representation

17. ‘The Lower Carboniferous and lowermost Upper Carboniferous stratigraphic sequence is composed of the Culm siliceous shales, the Culm siliceous limestones, the Culm …

18. Biostratigraphy Biostratigraphic services include micropaleontology (foraminifera), calcareous nanoplankton, palynology, palynofacies, wellsite Biostratigraphy, stratigraphic reviews, correlation studies and multi-disciplinary integrated studies.

19. These heterogeneities include variations of stratigraphic thickness and type across faults, fault-related unconformities and the presence of the fault itself.

20. Cummings (1987) has broken down the Amygdaloids into four distinct and discernible stratigraphic zones based on the secondary mineralization expected in each

21. Separating out the Anthropocene from the Holocene would require identifying a global marker—recorded in the stratigraphic material of the Earth—that demonstrates a shift

22. ‘Even more disturbing is the fact that fossils of Ambulocetus were found in strata at or above the stratigraphic levels where whale fossils were found.’

23. 5 The south declivity of Yimeng Uplift and the slope places around Central Uplift are the important areas for surveying gas reservoirs in regional stratigraphic traps.

24. Airphoto analysis, identification of erratics, and stratigraphic and geomorphic investigations were used to determine the nature of McConnell (Late Wisconsinan) age glaciation in the Glenlyon Range, Yukon Territory.

25. ‘The Lower Carboniferous and lowermost Upper Carboniferous stratigraphic sequence is composed of the Culm siliceous shales, the Culm siliceous limestones, the Culm limestones and the upper black shales.’

26. The stratigraphic, geographic and bathymetric distribution of some Paleocene Benthonic foraminiferal assemblages have been studied in the Tethyan and circum-Atlantic regions within the framework of planktonic foraminiferal zones

27. Additional tests were performed on stratigraphic sequences to identify the levels containing higher proportions of active clay minerals, based on their tendency to swell on coming into contact with water.

28. In the Flin Flon – Athapapuskow Lake area, the belt consists of a series of fault-bounded blocks, each having distinct stratigraphic and magmatic affinities, juxtaposed to form an accretionary collage.

29. The Pope succession limestone has many similarities in tectonic, stratigraphic, sedimentologic, and paleontologic aspects to the Akiyoshi buildup, a representative Panthalassan buildup in a Permian subduction-related accretionary complex in Japan.

30. There is no discernible correlation between the stratigraphic sequence of fossil taxa considered in this review and the pattern of evolution inferred from phylogenetic analysis, except for the younger age of Chloranthus-like Androecia (Chloranthistemon).

31. Biostratigraphy 4.1 Fossils as a basis for stratigraphic subdivision ☆Principle of faunal succession Rocks formed during any particular interval of geologic time can be recognized and distinguished by their fossil content from rocks formed during other time intervals.

32. In the forest–tundra, below the tree line, four sites in peat plateaus have a stratigraphic sequence indicating an alluvial plain environment from 6000 to 4800 BP followed by a wetland supporting trees and shrubs with deep snow accumulation and without permafrost.

33. The stratigraphic units under consideration, Lower Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous and/or Lower Tertiary in age, have an accumulated thickness of 15,000 to 28,000 m, cover an area of nearly 2,500 km2, and consist predominantly of basic and acid lavas, ignimbrites and volcanic-clastic sediments, deposited in marine and continental environments.

34. Published and new U-Pb age data of zircons from volcaniclastic layers bracketing the stratigraphic interval of platform growth constrain the duration of platform evolution to a time span shorter than 1.8±0.7m.y., probably in the order of 0.5-1m.y., reflecting fast rates of vertical platform aggradation exceeding 500 m/m.y.

35. ‘Even more disturbing is the fact that fossils of Ambulocetus were found in strata at or above the stratigraphic levels where whale fossils were found.’ More example sentences ‘Then paleontologists working in Pakistan found the fossil of a 45-million year old whale named Ambulocetus that looked in life like a furry crocodile.’

36. Each of the ten chapters focuses on a single Cartographic technique—sounding/spot elevation, isobath/contour, hachure/hatch, shaded relief, land classification, figure-ground, stratigraphic column, cross-section, line symbol, conventional sign—and illustrates it through beautiful maps and plans from notable designers and cartographers throughout history, from Leonardo da Vinci to James Corner …

37. Allochthonous salt is defined as a “subhorizontal or moderately dipping, sheetlike salt diapir emplaced at stratigraphic levels above the autochthonous source layer” (Hudec & Jackson, 2011).There is no hard cutoff for salt to qualify as Allochthonous: an overhanging upper part of a diapir grades into a subhorizontal salt sheet, which is an Allochthonous salt body, sourced by a single