Use "strangled" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "strangled" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "strangled", or refer to the context using the word "strangled" in the English Dictionary.

1. They've strangled the poor slob.

2. Children have strangled on cords and cables.

3. There is a story, Riddick, of young male Furyans... strangled at birth... strangled with their own cords.

4. It looks like it's being strangled.

5. Then he was strangled and burned.

6. Hyang-sook's throat... strangled it tightly.

7. Strangled with her own brassiere, they say.

8. Wilson was strangled by the status quo.

9. Hyang- sook' s throat..... strangled it tightly

10. He strangled his wife with an extension cord.

11. The pond water was strangled with poisonous weed.

12. (b) Illustrate how spiritual values can be strangled.

13. And I strangled her with my bare hands.

14. And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes?

15. 9 He strangled her with a nylon stocking.

16. Lorrimer gave a strangled cry and lunged out.

17. She'd been strangled with some kind of flex or cord.

18. Raped, strangled, a burnt pigeon tied around her neck.

19. The economy is being strangled by inefficiency and corruption.

20. The coast lay strangled in a beige silk gown.

21. For years, the organization was strangled by excessive bureaucracy.

22. In 1536 he was strangled and burned at the stake.

23. The three of these girls Were raped, strangled, And dumped.

24. With macabre gracefulness, she is strangled with a crimson scarf.

25. She was not too badly lacerated, just strangled with her pantyhose apparently.

26. 8 To avoid being strangled by materialism, periodically reappraise your lifestyle.

27. Leukemia would have taken him soon if he hadn't been strangled.

28. Judging from the bruising, he was probably strangled with a wire.

29. He strangled his victims, usually by hand but sometimes using ligatures.

30. 11 When the strangled wrangler dangles the mangled spangles on the bangle jangle.

31. A Mother Superior is found strangled in a church with her rosary.

32. When the strangled wrangler dangles the mangled spangles on the bangle jangle.

33. Black opposition leaders are arrested, a press clampdown begins and resistance is strangled.

34. Mr Medell í n strangled one of the victims with her own shoelace.

35. 26 When the strangled wrangler dangles the mangled spangles on the bangle jangle.

36. Synonyms for Asphyxiated include choked, smothered, stifled, strangled, strangulated, suffocated, throttled, constricted, drowned and killed

37. He strangled the cat to demonstrate that the "animal lover" assumption had been wrong.

38. With a strangled, gargling shriek, Carradine fell over, frothing at the mouth, arms waving.

39. Savagely beaten and strangled by an intruder in her Bronx home two years ago.

40. The cacti are unique to the archipelago, but many have been strangled by vines.

41. She was found dead in her home, beaten and strangled with a wire cable.

42. When a jealous goddess sent two huge serpents to kill him, Heracles strangled them.

43. But before he could come and tell me... my friend Paul shows up strangled in my freezer.

44. That's gonna go well between somebody reciting Tennyson and a child being strangled by their accordion.

45. Brendin Horner, 21, was tortured and stabbed before being strangled to death Credit: Jamie Pyatt News Ltd

46. Arrhachion, who was being strangled, had the presence of mind to dislocate one of his rival’s toes.

47. It is God’s command to ‘abstain from blood’ and from the meat of animals strangled to keep blood in them.

48. And according to the medical expert who testified at this inquest... strangled... and afterwords thrown into the river.

49. And the apostolic decree did tell Christians to ‘keep themselves from things strangled,’ meat with blood left in it.

50. Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.