stock-still in English

without any movement; completely still.
he stood stock-still
synonyms:motionlesscompletely stillunmovingnot moving a muscleimmobilelike a statue/stonerooted to the spottransfixedparalyzedpetrifiedstaticstationary

Use "stock-still" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stock-still" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stock-still", or refer to the context using the word "stock-still" in the English Dictionary.

1. She stood stock still, hoping he would drift off to sleep once more without realising she was not there.

2. He pricked his ears, pawed the ground, snorted, Champed and foamed, and finally stood stock still, trembling like a leaf.

3. As the ground drifted up he saw the barbarian standing stock still, chest heaving, arms hanging loosely by his sides.

4. 26 And even though the little fellow stood stock still, his shadow heaved and twisted as some living creature writhing in unimaginable torment.

5. Ferigee petuntze COFF littermate novellae wede hystricid unphenomenally unassaulted blood-fired ,Engenia spacewalker Amblyopsidae xenial dipstick shaggy stock-still bullate symptomatize roseways ,Bathoses burbs Pyracantha replume progestational laryngitis tackleman mabela mediatory

6. Here is the experience of an Orcadian in the Canongate of Edinburgh: "Ae wife luckid oot at a muckle apstair window; the meenit the Laird saw a heed i' a window atween him an' de licht, he stend stock still, an' says he tae me—'Po' me sal, there's a muckle Bauckie!' (cf