starvation in English

suffering or death caused by hunger.
thousands died of starvation
synonyms:extreme hungerlack of foodfamineundernourishmentmalnourishmentfastingdeprivation of fooddeath from lack of food

Use "starvation" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "starvation" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "starvation", or refer to the context using the word "starvation" in the English Dictionary.

1. Starvation, exhaustion, dysentery.

2. They were on starvation wages .

3. The specter of mass starvation loomed.

4. Process Bottleneck and process starvation

5. Amidst all this plenty, starvation

6. The likely cause of death was starvation.

7. The whole country is threatened with starvation.

8. Starvation would be A form of torture.

9. The starvation hangs over their lives.

10. They died of thirst or starvation.

11. The animals had died of starvation.

12. Earlier, he helped rescue this child from starvation.

13. Having survived starvation , we're beginning to live happily.

14. Starvation and disease have killed thousands of refugees.

15. This mutant, Cratic, accumulates ZMP during purine starvation

16. People were dying of starvation while governments procrastinated.

17. The animals died of starvation in the snow.

18. My grandmother had died of starvation, of typhus

19. Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation.

20. A modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by cannibalism.

21. 21 Emaciated indicates a serious condition resulting from starvation.

22. Edible wild herbs kept us from dying of starvation.

23. The pilot had lost consciousness because of oxygen starvation.

24. The enemy must decide between surrender and starvation.

25. The population now faces the horrors of starvation.

26. "Yemen: up to 85,000 young children dead from starvation".

27. He had to decide between surrender and starvation.

28. Emergency aid could save millions threatened with starvation.

29. 6 Half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation.

30. Surely no one would consider that a starvation diet.

31. Half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation.

32. The process requires zero strict diets, Cleanses, detoxes, or starvation.

33. The destruction of livestock and grain caused widespread starvation.

34. This means we were nine berries away from starvation.

35. After three crop failures in a row, the people face starvation.

36. Friends like Lual who died by my side, of starvation.

37. 16 To cause to become lean, usually by starvation; emaciate.

38. Bulimia is a vicious cycle of starvation, eating then purging.

39. She went on a starvation diet and ended up in hospital.

40. Yet the scourge of famine and starvation keeps on advancing.

41. During Opa’s internment, he suffered from pellagra and nutritional edema (starvation sickness).

42. The West's inaction has put millions of people at risk of starvation.

43. Millions will face starvation next year as a result of the drought.

44. By 1208, there were multiple famines and many people died of starvation.

45. People are dying in their thousands from typhoid, cold and starvation.

46. Governments themselves are not above using starvation as a political weapon.

47. 5 million people are in immediate danger of death from starvation.

48. The workers lived in poor conditions and were paid starvation wages.

49. Biafra Genocide: Nigeria: Bloodletting and Mass Starvation, 1967–1970 (Cold War 1945–1991)

50. Enduring intense exploitation, starvation and fatal diseases, the Batwa themselves were facing extinction.