staid in English

sedate, respectable, and unadventurous.
staid law firms

Use "staid" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "staid" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "staid", or refer to the context using the word "staid" in the English Dictionary.

1. He had grown staid and dull.

2. Dear old staid, conservative, non-violent Britain.

3. The locals were a very staid lot.

4. Staid, careful, willing to learn and cooperate.

5. They showed a staid mood in that accident.

6. We think of the Puritans as staid people.

7. Staid men and good scholars at first expressed mirth.

8. The assertiveness has sent shivers through staid Japanese boardrooms.

9. The group managed to seem staid in comparison to Rollins' music.

10. Edwards was essentially a staid stay-at-home during the revivals.

11. The museum is trying to get rid of its staid image.

12. Competition is forcing once - staid publications to spice up their content.

13. 14 Dark blue is sometimes seen as staid or stodgy - old - fashioned.

14. Its swirling form makes the early stages of the building look positively staid.

15. The staid and once-serious network news has begun to look like glitzy local news operations.

16. 15 However, it is as likely that they will carry on with their staid, conservative strategies.

17. Antonyms for Anthemic include boring, unexciting, dreary, dull, monotonous, quiet, staid, tedious, tiresome and uninteresting

18. The sentence I had just written in a staid serif typeface suddenly was pushed leeward.

19. Females are a staid brown, without the male’s bright eye or the female Red-winged Blackbird’s streaks

20. Square-cut and staid to behold, it packs a potent punch quite at odds with its looks.

21. Because I was older and a bit more staid I was going to have a hard time.

22. Although, she thought, as she glanced at him, in truth she'd expected something other than this staid automobile.

23. Dear old staid, conservative, non-violent Britain. Soccer fans were its contribution to the global tradition of random violence.

24. Let us assume that Mr Peter Porter, an otherwise staid bureaucrat, spends his free time racing Porsche cars.

25. They are the men and women who start vibrant new companies, turn around failing companies, and shake up staid ones.

26. In an attempt to change its staid image, the newspaper has created a new section aimed at younger readers.

27. Corny one liners are the perfect way to liven things up, if you ever find yourself at a staid dinner party

28. I was surprisedto see him at the jazz club; I always thought of him as a rather staid old gentleman.

29. She bought a long lease on the apartment in quiet and respectable Hahnwald, a leafy and staid suburb of Cologne.

30. There's nothing staid about the all-white La Scalinatella in Capri, one of the " Airiest " hotels around with terraces that open onto the Mediterranean

31. In contrast to the staid newspapers such as the Times, the News of the World published salacious stories about vice prosecutions and police investigations into grisly murders.

32. Badder seemed to admit more enormity than simply bad, “I—I went in the park to walk and I staid so long that—that––” A MODERN CINDERELLA AMANDA M

33. After the New York audience's exposure to Duchamp's Cubist-Futurist Nude Descending a Staircase and other such truly startling pictorial innovations, the representational scenes of the Ashcan School began to look staid by comparison.

34. And these days , what self - respecting academic press could go a season without a book that , " in light of feminist , gay , and transgender criticism , " challenges the staid old notion of male and female genders ?

35. In depicting another of Byron’s haunts, the Cocoa Tree, she draws on a staid quote from the historian Edward Gibbon and then provides Byron’s “more bibulous” anecdote: “We Clareted and champagned till two…”

36. ‘He lacks the Adventurousness of others known for similar roles, appearing stuffy, staid, and stoic by comparison.’ ‘She brought absolute mastery and compelling musical Adventurousness to one of the most difficult works in the repertoire.’

37. ‘He lacks the Adventurousness of others known for similar roles, appearing stuffy, staid, and stoic by comparison.’ ‘She brought absolute mastery and compelling musical Adventurousness to one of the most difficult works in the repertoire.’

38. Charles was extremely discontented at the loss of Spain, and as a result, he mimicked the staid Spanish Habsburg court ceremonial, adopting the dress of a Spanish monarch, which, according to British historian Edward Crankshaw, consisted of "a black doublet and hose, black shoes and scarlet stockings".

39. Adversarially positioned during working hours, Skelton and Duplessis nevertheless teamed up after nightfall to explore the rest-and-relaxation offerings of Hull, which in those days served as a sort of trans-riparian safety valve for staid Ottawa—an Ottawa where, for example, dancing in the Canadian Grill stopped promptly at midnight Saturday, and no liquor was served any time.