staccato in English

with each sound or note sharply detached or separated from the others.
a staccato rhythm
a piece or passage marked to be performed staccato.
We play opposite articulations: legato in staccato passages, staccato in legato sections.

Use "staccato" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "staccato" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "staccato", or refer to the context using the word "staccato" in the English Dictionary.

1. He wrote for the choral score "andantino" (somewhat slowly) and "sempre staccato" (play staccato always).

2. Play this phrase staccato.

3. Indicate a shorter duration than notated, and include Articulations such as staccatissimo, staccato, tenuto, and staccato-tenuto

4. Legato and staccato on the harmonica.

5. 17 Legato and staccato on the harmonica.

6. The banging on the door had reached steady staccato.

7. They flutter about nervously in staccato hops.

8. He shouted a series of staccato orders.

9. She gave staccato replies to every question.

10. The sound waves come legato, not staccato.

11. Ponyets heard the staccato rattle of the receiver quite plainly.

12. She writes in minimalist prose, sometimes in staccato rhythms.

13. Some of these Articulations include the staccato, staccatissimo and tenuto

14. And students about the link will staccato its combination. Zhiyong.

15. She played the whole piece staccato to improve her technique.

16. The music suddenly changed from a smooth melody to a staccato rhythm.

17. Chattering or “Chittering” is similar to chirping, but a bit more guttural and staccato

18. The repeated hollow Clackings echoed in the air, creating its own staccato music

19. The Cluck and purr is a Cluck followed by a rolling, almost staccato call

20. Military professionals lead their emails with a short, staccato statement known as the Bluf

21. The rapid bowed quavers of the former become the rapid staccato semiquavers of the latter.

22. Military professionals lead their emails with a short, staccato statement known as the Bluf

23. This was different: these were the sounds of distress - short staccato yelps broken by prolonged baleful howling.

24. It covers techniques such as staccato, legato, slurs, pauses and ornaments, including trills, appoggiaturas and Acciaccaturas

25. Cacophony, the opposite of euphony, is usually produced by combinations of words that require a staccato, explosive delivery

26. The Bitonal piano part is built on two ostinato figures: staccato eighth-note chords that become simply staccato eighth notes in the left hand, depicting the grasshopper; and a busy sixteenth-note figure in the right hand that pictures the ceaseless work of the ant …

27. Where he articulates the emotional arc of a rising arabesque with a jazzy staccato, she just doesn't get the point.

28. Legato and staccato are important musical terms, mainly because it is very difficult to produce them well on the harmonica.

29. You're tattooed onto my brain, " I'd tell you, and your voice would become quivery, and staccato , and then you'd be silent."

30. Certainly there is little coherence in her timetabled day: indeed perversely its very staccato pattern is a feature Susie quite enjoys.

31. The Bagatelles are often texturally sparse, with most of the notes either played staccato or strongly accented to create cool but insistent music

32. Consider teaching musical terms such as legato (slow and smooth) and staccato (quick and choppy) and letting the children sing the song both ways.

33. For a moment, things seem to calm down, then a sudden crescendo in the orchestral staccato pumps up a fortissimo, illustrated by a wild, sliding piano part.

34. This authentic-sounding arrangement includes 6/8 time, legato, staccato and marcato styles, frequent doublings, a wide variety of dynamic markings, and one the most famous Accelerandos ever written!

35. I grew up with the sounds of war -- the staccato sounds of gunfire, the wrenching booms of explosions, ominous drones of jets flying overhead and the wailing warning sounds of sirens.

36. Adversative asyndeton definition, a staccato effect produced by omitting Adversative connectives from between two or more items forming a group, as in “I liked all there was to buy in the store … I didn't get anything.” See more.

37. Doesn’t Brutter have an interesting sound to it? The rhythms on the record are stubborn and staccato, neither wholly electronic nor all instrumental, and the way it’s mixed, you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins

38. BeBop, also called Bop, the first kind of modern jazz, which split jazz into two opposing camps in the last half of the 1940s.The word is an onomatopoeic rendering of a staccato two-tone phrase distinctive in this type of music.When it emerged, beBop was unacceptable not only to …

39. "Brittle, Like Twigs" bursts with staccato energy and funk, "Chitter chatter" melds cinematic high drama to a rollicking high-spirited conclusion for one of the CD's most engaging rides, and the concluding "Blur" ends the album on an elegiac note, again beautiful and cinematic but with the pyrotechnics this time held somewhat in check.

40. Benthos – Debris // Essence (official) The third single “Talk To Me Dragonfly!” is a fast-paced jazz-infused staccato of progressive metal which brings the listener on a confrontation with one’s negativity resulting in awareness, acceptance, and improvement towards positivity.On II by Benthos there is a lot to digest on this amazing album, but one thing is certain… after you are done