squirted in English

cause (a liquid) to be ejected from a small opening in something in a thin, fast stream or jet.
she squirted soda into a glass

Use "squirted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "squirted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "squirted", or refer to the context using the word "squirted" in the English Dictionary.

1. He squirted some ketchup on his fries.

2. He squirted me with a hose.

3. I desperately squirted water on the flames.

4. The orange skin squirted in my eye.

5. 1 He squirted some tomato sauce on his burger.

6. When I cut the lemon, juice squirted in my eye.

7. 26 He squirted a water pistol at me .

8. She squirted water from the hose onto the flowers.

9. 25 Some kids squirted a water pistol in her face.

10. 10 Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.

11. Your mother would still be a milkmaid if I hadn't squirted you into her belly.

12. The resulting Lorentz force causes the water to be squirted energetically through the exit nozzle.

13. And the Monster was pinching Ma's bosoms with its hideous clawed fingers so that blood squirted out.

14. 16 Various rocks show evidence that the lunar material has been melted, squirted out from volcanoes, and crushed by meteorite impacts.

15. In major cities such as Yangon, garden hoses, huge syringes made of bamboo, brass or plastic, water pistols and other devices from which water can be squirted are used in addition to the gentler bowls and cups.

16. The Afterburner, which is a long extension at the back of the engine, combines much of the remaining oxygen with jet fuel, squirted into the high-speed exhaust stream from the engine’s turbine, and ignites the mixture