squalls in English

a sudden violent gust of wind or a localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or sleet.
low clouds and squalls of driving rain
(of a baby or small child) cry noisily and continuously.
Sarah was squalling in her crib

Use "squalls" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "squalls" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "squalls", or refer to the context using the word "squalls" in the English Dictionary.

1. He changed course five degrees and looked aft to check for squalls.

2. In early summer, brief squalls and thunderstorms known as Kalbaisakhi, or Nor'westers, often occur.

3. The weather continued to deteriorate with low-flying scud and rain squalls from the west.

4. NB: for precipitation , the intensity adjective applies to all forms combined DR Low SG Snow squalls

5. Squalls cut down the visibility for the spotting aircraft, but occasionally, the aircrew managed to glimpse the target area.

6. Rodomonte hardly noticed the magnificent, unearthly architecture preserved so beautifully away from the squalls of the less temperate zones.

7. 30 For a few seconds the sheer force of the wind supported my weight before I stumbled into a lull between squalls.

8. Arriving off Luzon on the 21st, Twining guarded the carriers as they launched strikes despite cloudy weather, squalls, and low visibility.

9. Following one more air strike on 28 July, heavy rain squalls and poor weather canceled further strikes and the task group turned for the Mariana Islands.