sporophyte in English

(in the life cycle of plants with alternating generations) the asexual and usually diploid phase, producing spores from which the gametophyte arises. It is the dominant form in vascular plants, e.g., the frond of a fern.
The alternate phase of the plant life cycle is the sporophyte , the diploid plant form, with each cell containing two complete sets of chromosomes.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "sporophyte" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sporophyte", or refer to the context using the word "sporophyte" in the English Dictionary.

1. The zygote grows into a sporophyte from within the Archegonium.

2. The adult, or sporophyte, phase is the main phase of an Angiosperm’s life cycle

3. In mosses, liverworts and hornworts, an unbranched sporophyte produces a single sporangium, which may be quite complex morphologically.

4. The Antherozoid and egg fuse to form a diploid zygote, which functions as the mother cells of sporophyte generation

5. The Bryophyte life cycle consists of an alternation of generations between a haploid gametophyte generation and a diploid sporophyte generation

6. Ferns and lycophytes (pteridophytes) are free-sporing vascular plants that have a life cycle with free-living, independent gametophyte and sporophyte phases.

7. The strongest line of supporting evidence is that liverworts are the only living group of land plants that do not have stomata on the sporophyte generation.

8. Angiosperms are vascular plants, and all vascular plants have a life cycle in which the sporophyte phase (vegetative body) is the dominant phase and the gametophyte phase remains diminutive

9. Apomixis, reproduction by special generative tissues without fertilization. It includes parthenogenesis in animals, in which the new individual develops from the unfertilized egg, and apogamy in certain plants, in which the generative tissue may be the sporophyte or the gametophyte

10. ‘An example of this is the Bryophyta, which includes liverworts, mosses and hornworts, but not the vascular plants.’ ‘In the ‘bryophytes’ (Hepaticophyta, Anthocerotophyta, and Bryophyta), the sporophyte plant remains small and dependent on the parent gametophyte for its entire life.’

11. First, in all Bryophytes the ecologically persistent, photosynthetic phase of the life cycle is the haploid, gametophyte generation rather than the diploid sporophyte; Bryophyte sporophytes are very short-lived, are attached to and nutritionally dependent on their gametophytes and consist of only an unbranched stalk, or seta, and a single

12. Slides of mature Archegone and antherids : note antheridia and archegonia are elevated on stalks above the thallus; on mature Archegone, look for sporophyte (2n) and egg (1n) in archegonia on antherids slide, look for sperm similar to moss Fig 19.3, 4 in lab manual preserved & live Marchantia look for female and male gametophytes, gemma cups

13. Bryophyta definition is - a division of nonflowering plants comprising the mosses and liverworts characterized by rhizoids rather than true roots, by little or no organized vascular tissue, by multicellular archegonia and antheridia in which only some of the cells are sporogenous, and by a clear-cut alternation of generations, the sporophyte being without chlorophyll and remaining attached to