spiralling in English

move in a spiral course.
a wisp of smoke spiraled up from the trees
show a continuous and dramatic increase.
inflation continued to spiral
synonyms:soarshoot uprocketincrease rapidlyrise rapidlyescalateclimbskyrocketgo through the roof

Use "spiralling" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spiralling" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spiralling", or refer to the context using the word "spiralling" in the English Dictionary.

1. Prices are spiralling out of control.

2. If there is a suitcase, I'll spiralling out to stray.

3. Gregarious, flocks often hawking for flying insects and spiralling up to perform aerobatics.

4. A farmer was burning straw, the yellow billows of smoke spiralling lazily upward.

5. • A farmer was burning straw, the yellow Billows of smoke spiralling lazily upward.

6. Traders have become very practised at managing low stocks without generating spiralling prices.

7. You don't have to be an anthropological genius to see a spiralling behaviour pattern here.

8. I am bound to the unknown and neglected Stuart-Murrays by spiralling tapeworms of genetic material.

9. Paige scarcely registered the momentary pain of his possession before spiralling waves of indescribable pleasure took her.

10. 3 I watched spiralling dust devils by day and at night listened to the anarchic cries of coyotes.

11. There was a grand marble staircase, spiralling up to the eaves and the upper areas of the casino.

12. 19 However there is one species of pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, which demonstrates examples of both clockwise or anticlockwise spiralling shells.

13. Regardless, in those Babirusas with spiralling tusks, some authors say that, if the animal lives long enough, the tusks grow fatally into the face (Irven 1996).

14. That hole is now being filled - thanks to narwhals, medium-size whales, endemic to the Arctic, known as unicorns of the seas because of the single, spiralling tusk found in males.

15. Hapless Insurance Loss Adjuster - Martin Dyer - feels his life is spiralling out of control but discovers that even when you reach rock bottom, that some clouds really do have a silver lining.

16. Welcome to Assisi With the plains spreading picturesquely below and Monte Subasio rearing steep and wooded above, the mere sight of Assisi in the rosy glow of dusk is enough to send pilgrims' souls spiralling to heaven.

17. It was modelled after Trajan's Column, to celebrate the victory of Austerlitz; its veneer of 425 spiralling bas-relief bronze plates was made out of cannon taken from the combined armies of Europe, according to his propaganda (the usual figure given is hugely exaggerated: 180 cannon were actually captured at