southern lebanon in English

area located in south Lebano

Use "southern lebanon" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "southern lebanon" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "southern lebanon", or refer to the context using the word "southern lebanon" in the English Dictionary.

1. After the ceasefire, some parts of Southern Lebanon remained uninhabitable due to Israeli unexploded cluster bomblets.

2. 30 The 2006 Israeli assault on Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and the 2009 attack on Hamas in the Gaza Strip demonstrated that rocketry couldn't be neutralized by air power alone.

3. Doria Accumulates wear and tear when accommodating political allies with pending cases in Justice – 03/20/2021 – Power; Boxer Lee Noble dies at the age of 33 following a long battle with cancer; The risk of having a baby with Down syndrome grows with age – Rossiyskaya Gazeta; Explosion reported in southern Lebanon, cause unclear – report