soundings in English

the action or process of measuring the depth of the sea or other body of water.
The tedium of dredging and sounding very likely accounted for the high attrition of ship's personnel by desertion.
information or evidence ascertained as a preliminary step before deciding on a course of action.
he's been taking soundings about the possibility of moving his offices

Use "soundings" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "soundings" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "soundings", or refer to the context using the word "soundings" in the English Dictionary.

1. Another aid to navigation was the taking of soundings.

2. Tables used for compiling aerological observations from upper-air soundings.

3. Much of the data on ocean Bathymetry come from "soundings."

4. 1. Atypically, neither the personal view nor the soundings pieces are anecdotal

5. calculate the amount of liquid cargo using the soundings or tank tables, or both;

6. Non-electronic hydro-, hygro-, psychrometers (including hygrographs, thermo-hygrographs, baro-thermohygrographs, actinometers, pagoscopes; excluding radiosondes for atmospheric soundings)

7. The usefulness of acoustic soundings and the use of a ray-tracing program are specially detailed points.

8. The vertical datum is a surface to which elevations and/or depths (soundings and tide heights) are referred.

9. Non-electronic hydro-, hygro-, psychrometers (including hygrographs, thermo-hygrographs, baro-thermo-hygrographs, actinometers, pagoscopes; excluding radio-sondes for atmospheric soundings)

10. The acoustic soundings from the surface have been supplemented by using vessels equipped to drill holes in the bottom of the sea.

11. Vertical transports, lateral outflow, and generation of kinetic energy are computed directly from twice-daily aerological soundings, while the ‘dissipation’ term is obtained as a residual.

12. New direction, and through all the buffbtings, and Breastings, and soundings, and creakings we are only just now getting her head to bear after his compass

13. New direction, and through all the buffbtings, and Breastings, and soundings, and creakings we are only just now getting her head to bear after his compass

14. Infrared cooling rates computed for clear sky conditions up to 500 mb are somewhat larger than the results form radiometer soundings in fall 1960 as reported byRiehl.

15. Electrical resistivity soundings with small, a.c. equipment (“Earth Testers”) are reliable and interpretable to depths varying from approximately 30 metres in conductive soils to about 100 metres in resistant ground.

16. Cargo residues from Bilges can enter the bottom of sounding pipes and block them making them unusable in order to obtain appropriate soundings through sounding rods, lines etc

17. Negrelli provided the soundings and the alignment of the canal which he had drawn up during his visit of 1847 and which corresponded to a large extent to the draft made by Linant and Mougel.

18. The following gridded Bathymetry data sets available:-The GEBCO_08 Grid — a global 30 arc-second grid largely generated by combining quality-controlled ship depth soundings with interpolation between sounding points guided by satellite-derived gravity data

19. The global Bathymetry and topography grid at 15 Arc Sec is the latest iteration of the SRTM+ digital elevation model (DEM) where the "plus" indicates the addition of ocean Bathymetry from shipboard soundings and satellite-derived predicted depths

20. The Bathymetric source data used in the construction of IBCAO Version 3.0 grid consist of historic and recent under-ice soundings collected by submarines of the United States and the United Kingdom, historic and recent observations collected on icebreakers and ice camps and information portrayed in published navigation and compilation charts.

21. Where the land slopes Abruptly under water, these reefs are only a few yards in width, forming a mere ribbon or fringe round the shores: where the land slopes gently under the water the reef extends further, sometimes even as much as a mile from the land; but in such cases the soundings outside the reef always show that the submarine prolongation of the land is gently inclined.