some distance in English

a little distance, part of the way

Use "some distance" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "some distance" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "some distance", or refer to the context using the word "some distance" in the English Dictionary.

1. Our parents live some distance away .

2. PM also ran some distance to encourage the participants.

3. So the piston gets pushed up some distance x.

4. I thought you promised to give me some distance.

5. 29 The railway station is some distance from the village.

6. We found a beautiful home some distance from New York City.

7. You're actually measure -- your measuring stations might be some distance away.

8. The rock salt came from a salt mine some distance away.

9. Some distance away, sharp sirens pierce the silence of the dark night.

10. After trudging for some distance, his slow steady steps acted as a soporific.

11. Out-fighters prefer a slower fight, with some distance between themselves and the opponent.

12. They were in the custody of the court beadle who lived some distance away.

13. With a proper body position I'm able to really move forward to gain quite some distance.

14. That's where you'll find the waxing gibbous moon with a bright star some distance below it.

15. While they were still some distance away they could hear a babel of voices from inside.

16. 26 While out ploughing a horseman had noticed a stoat some distance away stalking a rabbit.

17. I could not restrain my eagerness any longer, and, slipping out unperceived, followed them for some distance.

18. 21 That's where you'll find the waxing gibbous moon with a bright star some distance below it.

19. If you are moving some distance, it's worth having the car serviced before you embark on the journey.

20. Traditional oil painting Brushes have long handles, so that the artist can work at some distance from the canvas.

21. Within less than 1 millisecond the steep- fronted shock wave has traveled some distance ahead of the isothermal region.

22. Noun the activity of travelling some distance to work every day by car, bus, or train Commuting every day is hell!

23. The sound of the mountain waters leaping down their granite-Bouldered way reached the men while they were yet some distance

24. Alternatively, Bracing be cast into concrete “heel” blocks in the bottom of the excavation, some distance from the braced wall (see below).

25. Concentrations of air pollutants and adverse respiratory health effects are greater near the road than at some distance away from the road.

26. When they had gone some distance, Jesus sent certain ones ahead to a village to find a place for them to rest.

27. Some rivers, like Badagry Creek, flow parallel to the coast for some distance before exiting through the sand bars to the sea.

28. The injured animal darted off into the night, and was killed the following morning when it was discovered alive some distance away.

29. From some distance, the wall creeper threatens with dropped wings and strongly elevated tail; this threat posture resembles that of several nuthatch species.

30. If the Cankered branch is removed, it should be cut well beyond the canker margin, as the fungus spreads some distance into the wood

31. On a Friday evening in October 1943, I put some necessities in a box and tied it in a tree some distance from home.

32. “Apart” is an adverb meaning (of two or more people or things) separated by some distance; at a specified distance from each other in time or space.

33. Nevertheless, in the context of Cometary comae the population of rotational levels does deviate from local thermodynamical equilibrium (LTE) at some distance from the nucleus (Zakharov et al

34. The structures of this articulation were found to originate from two different Blastemata situated at some distance from each other and operating at different rates and opposing directions

35. This Adrenergic receptor subtype is expressed on vascular smooth muscle at sites some distance away from sympathetic nerve terminals, and produces vasoconstrictor responses when stimulated by circulating catecholamines such as epinephrine.

36. Before it is a wide expanse of sea, on each hand of which are immense rocks; and, at some distance in the sea, there are three Columnal rocks rising to sharp

37. For Led Zeppelin, Page developed the idea of placing an additional microphone some distance from the amplifier (as far as 20 feet (6 m)) and then recording the balance between the two.

38. The essays contained in this volume provide an ideal introduction to the history and nature of Antisemitism, stressing readability, balance, and thematic coherence, while trying to gain some distance from the polemics and

39. In a Circumvallate placenta, the chorionic membranes do not insert at the edge of the placenta but at some distance inward from the margins, resulting in a rolled up and thickened placental edge and a central depression

40. Features of P. annosus unique for the large recent genus Polyrhachis include a large first gastral segment, a scapus attached at some distance from the clypeus, and an alitrunk (mesosoma) and petiole each with a pair of teeth or spines.

41. ‘Others set up massive Ballistae some distance from the defenders, and began pelting them with heavy bolts of solid iron.’ ‘It was during an unfortunate incident that involved a ballista.’ ‘Another was a hover tank chassis with a ballista mounted on top.’

42. Not to be confused with annual geranium, or pelargoniums, Cranesbill is the true hardy Geranium species.Cranesbill, like many genus in the Geranium species, disperse seeds after petals have faded and dropped from a beak like pod (similar to a crane’s bill) that casts seeds some distance.

43. 6 After that Eʹsau took his wives, his sons, his daughters, all the members* of his household, his herd and all his other beasts, and all the wealth he had accumulated+ in the land of Caʹnaan and he went to another land some distance away from Jacob his brother.

44. Not being able to bear the sight of her child in his agonies, and, as she apprehended, ready to expire, she went from the place where she had laid him, and sat down under one of the shrubs or trees to shade herself, right over against that where her child was, though at some distance, which is next expressed: as it were a Bowshot;