social cohesion in English

tendency of individuals in a group to bond with one anothe

Use "social cohesion" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "social cohesion" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "social cohesion", or refer to the context using the word "social cohesion" in the English Dictionary.

1. This change, it was argued, threatened social cohesion.

2. 9 NGOs capacitated on implementing social cohesion and peacebuilding activities

3. Breakdown of the moral consensus and social cohesion is rife.

4. Weaknesses in Latin American societies concerning the process of social cohesion

5. For Durkheim, Anomie is a state of normlessness: the lack of social cohesion

6. The problem here is how can social cohesion and civic virtue be promoted?

7. Coexist is a non-profit organization advancing social cohesion through education and innovation

8. Social cohesion is the most powerful defence against madness, the most important contributor to mental health.

9. Sixthly, boosting the Community budget in order to promote economic and social cohesion is absolutely essential.

10. Produce a set of recommendations for action in EU cities to foster social cohesion among different communities.

11. It entails a close social cohesion between people as it rests on the essential condition of absolute trust.

12. As a result the business class as a whole exhibits a high degree of integration and social cohesion ....

13. It created a wartime atmosphere which could be used to manage the economy and to generate social cohesion.

14. The resulting feelings of exclusion and alienation can undermine social cohesion and even lead to unrest and conflict.

15. We need sustenance and a viable habitat, but we also need social cohesion and connection of all sorts.

16. “Coexist’s mission is to build social cohesion by sourcing high-quality products from conflict zones around the world

17. The island that never stops Apologising Preserving social cohesion at all costs is still the bedrock of Taiwan’s social morality

18. Their rhetoric has emphasized national unity and social cohesion, as well as the development of skills for the economy.

19. This centre will examine the non-economic benefits of learning such as social cohesion, active citizenship and improved health.

20. Such is the inextricable link and the social cohesion brought about by a variety of classes under the same roof.

21. When individual desires go beyond the moral order then people become dissatisfied with life and social cohesion begins to break down.

22. Traditional and community-based alternatives to formal criminal processes have the potential to resolve disputes without acrimony and to restore social cohesion within the community

23. Because like all ancient villages, Villagrande couldn't have survived without this structure, without its walls, without its cathedral, without its village square, because defense and social cohesion defined its design.

24. Notes that digital literacy, in opening up new channels for communication and education, has a positive impact in terms of strengthening social cohesion, personal development, intercultural dialogue and active citizenship;

25. Further recognizing the value of a holistic approach, the task force developing the Burkinabe government’s National Security Strategy has named social cohesion and coexistence, sustainable human development, and strengthening resilience to

26. It begins by offering a definition of cohesion and scrutinizing the convergence process and cohesion from three different angles: income and employment, social cohesion, and quality of life and European citizenship.

27. When setting priorities for action at national and EU levels in its Annual Growth Survey (AGS), the Commission wants to ensure that Member States align their budgets and policies to ensure, in particular, high levels of employment and social cohesion.

28. Agrarian reform, which varies according to the country concerned, continues to be an essential factor in offering a solution to millions of farmers and day labourers living in poverty, increasing agricultural incomes and production, and thereby improving economic and social cohesion.

29. Agrarian reform, which varies according to the country concerned, continues to be an essential factor in offering a solution to millions of farmers and day labourers living in poverty, increasing agricultural incomes and production, and thereby improving economic and social cohesion

30. The Vision 2030, Kenya’s development blueprint, recognises that no society can gain social cohesion if significant sections of it lives in abject poverty and has for this reason included equity as a recurrent principle in all its economic, social and political programmes.

31. promote economic and social prog ss which is balanced and sustainable, in pmicul through the creation of an area without inte a1 frontiers, through the strengthening of economic and social cohesion and through the establishment of economic and monetary union, ultimately including a single currency in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty;

32. The Commission's proposals for economic and social cohesion have caused concern among some of the current beneficiaries, who fear that cutting the volume of transfers and support between the existing Member States could threaten the progress already made in closing the gap between their economies and the economies of the most advanced EU countries and regions.