snake bite in English

the bite of a snake, especially a venomous one.
Although exotic snakes account for only a small percentage of venomous snakebites , the prevalence of these bites is increasing as the popularity of keeping exotic snakes as house pets continues to rise.
a drink consisting of draft cider and lager in equal proportions.
Everyone in the back had been drinking snakebites for the best part of the evening, and it was half way down the motorway and one of them said ‘I feel a bit sick, you'll have to stop the van’.

Use "snake bite" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "snake bite" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "snake bite", or refer to the context using the word "snake bite" in the English Dictionary.

1. The treatment of snake bite by Antivenine is an example of

2. However, Asclepius had the power to heal even the snake bite.

3. A Case of Snake-Bite Treated with Calmette's Antivenine Ind Med Gaz

4. A majority of snake-bite victims seek traditional treatment and may die at home unrecorded.

5. The man was Afflicted with a painful snake bite after a hike on the mountain

6. Methods 38 patients respiratory failure by Venomous snake bite, the treatments included antivenom, mechanical ventilation, etc.

7. It is used to cure ulcerative carbuncle, venomous snake bite, pain and hyperspasmia and so on.

8. Antivenine is an antisera which is obtained from the snake poison and it is transferred to the person with snake bite

9. AIIMS 2004: The treatment of snake bite by Antivenine is an example of (A) Artificially acquired active immunity (B) Artificially acquired passive imm

10. It is suggested that one should avoid the use of Antivenine and neostigmine in the management of elapid snake bite once muscle paralysis has

11. Clinical evaluations of Rattler Antivenin in dogs and horses within 24 hours of snake bite demonstrated to significantly: Neutralize venom, decrease swelling, reduce and/or eliminate pain, decrease temperature and reduce the overall hospitalization time.

12. For the past two years I have been in the habit of taking into camp and out shooting a supply of Antivenine and an antitoxin syringe, so that, if a case of snake-bite occurred, the now-recognised treatment would be handy, but have had no opportunity of using it