smooth tongue in English

the ability or tendency to use insincere flattery or persuasion.
your smooth tongue could even turn your mistakes to your advantage

Use "smooth tongue" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "smooth tongue" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "smooth tongue", or refer to the context using the word "smooth tongue" in the English Dictionary.

1. Her smooth tongue, gleaming, lolled. Sheer terror shadowed her indented eyes, and yet never would she be caught.

2. Wilt thou rob this leathern jerkin, crystal-button, not-pated, agate-ring, puke-stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue and Spanish-pouch

3. ‘It Beguiled her, soothed her, eased away the pain and turmoil she had lived through all day, banished thought from her mind.’ ‘Colour barely stimulated him but drawing Beguiled him.’ ‘Think you can smooth-tongue me, trick me, beguile me?’

4. Physical Signs of Nutritional Deficiency Disorders System Sign General appearance Skin and hair Reduced weight for height Pallor Edema Nasolabial seborrhea Dermatitis Photosensitivity dermatitis Acrodermatitis Follicular hyperkeratosis (sandpaper-like) Depigmented skin Purpura Scrotal or vulval dermatitis Alopecia Depigmented, dull hair Decreased Poor adaptation to dark Poor color discrimination Bitot’s spots, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia Conjunctive pallor Fundal capillary microaneurysms Angular stomatitis Cheilosis Bleeding gums Atrophic papillae Smooth tongue Red tongue (glossitis) Parotid swelling Caries Anosmia Hypogeusia Goiter Heart failure Hypogonadism Costochondral beading Subperiosteal hemorrhage Cranial bossing Wide fontanel Epiphyseal enlargement Craniotabes Tender bones Tender calves Spoon-shaped nails (koilonychia) Transverse nail lines