smells in English

the faculty or power of perceiving odors or scents by means of the organs in the nose.
a highly developed sense of smell
perceive or detect the odor or scent of (something).
I think I can smell something burning
synonyms:get a sniff ofscentdetect
emit an odor or scent of a specified kind.
it smelled like cough medicine

Use "smells" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "smells" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "smells", or refer to the context using the word "smells" in the English Dictionary.

1. Something smells

2. This smells delicious.

3. Something smells fishy.

4. Damn. Smells like shit.

5. It smells awful.

6. Smells like perfume.

7. He smells your perfume.

8. Well, dat smells stinkowiff.

9. That meat smells rotten.

10. This pan smells of fish.

11. It smells of warm garbage.

12. Their blood smells like tar.

13. Smells like piss in here.

14. This smells really nice!

15. The food smells great.

16. She smells of shit.

17. Gumbo smells good, Tiana.

18. This cheese smells vile.

19. I smelt ... strange new smells.

20. Your lotion smells really nice.

21. This smells of cut grass.

22. The plan smells of trickery.

23. The ripe fruit smells of apples.

24. If he smells heat, he'll bolt.

25. — It's all dandruffy, and it smells.

26. Delectable smells rose from the kitchen.

27. Spicy smells wafted through the air.

28. This blanket smells a bit fusty.

29. Her favourite essence smells like gardenias.

30. Place smells like pig shit, anyway.

31. Smells like Bengay in here.

32. This rag smells like mildew.

33. Oh yeah, it smells good.

34. 13 He smells of tobacco.

35. Your shit smells like Shalimar.

36. It's also tastes and smells.

37. The town smells like springtime.

38. Your breath smells of brandy.

39. If something is Aromatic, it smells good

40. Smells like Prima cigarettes and discount cologne.

41. I believe that girl smells of perfume.

42. It smells like your sheep crap oil.

43. Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.

44. The marketplace was filled with delightful smells.

45. Smells great, but drink down very fierce.

46. [ Speaking French ] It smells like a whorehouse.

47. This fruit smells like jering and banana.

48. Her favorite essence smells like gardenias.

49. The milk smells a bit iffy.

50. Cooking smells wafted up from downstairs.