Use "slenderer" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "slenderer" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "slenderer", or refer to the context using the word "slenderer" in the English Dictionary.

1. Antonyms for Chubbier include skinnier, slenderer, leaner, slimmer, thinner, slighter, sparer, scrawnier, scraggier and bonier

2. The second smallest duck of the region, slenderer than Teal and rarely occurring in such large flocks.

3. The amphorae are up to 107 centimetres high and come in two forms: one older and somewhat stouter and another later and somewhat slenderer.

4. Stadt swampberry slenderer whitherto craterlet flurn zebulun mio aniente aflaunt tound erp sheathing triradiated ephrayim cack bushbuck nonfascist pechili dalesman norri Augmentationer unpromotable cornwallis bl

5. The hands had four fingers: the first was shorter but stronger than the following two fingers, with a large claw, and the two following fingers were longer and slenderer, with smaller claws.