sleepless night in English

ight without any sleep (usually due to anxiety)

Use "sleepless night" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sleepless night" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sleepless night", or refer to the context using the word "sleepless night" in the English Dictionary.

1. She spent a sleepless night.

2. After a sleepless night Stavrogin sets forth.

3. She looked haggard after a sleepless night.

4. A sleepless night had added to her pallor.

5. The boy's wayward behavior cost his mother many a sleepless night.

6. After a sleepless night of fasting, Darius hurried to the lions’ pit.

7. 11 Come with your conch - shells sounding, come in the sleepless night.

8. The patient's dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night.

9. The train stopped frequently at lonely little stations,which resulted in a sleepless night.

10. A sleepless night had added to her pallor and the haunted look in her eyes.

11. The original version of Ninvaders was written during a sleepless night, using C as the programming language.

12. She couldn't even feel resentful that he slept so peacefully after she had suffered a sleepless night of angst.

13. He had spent a ruinous and totally sleepless night, pacing the floors but being able to find no solace.

14. The four travellers passed a sleepless night, each thinking of the gift Oz had promised to bestow on him.

15. As a conclusion to that illustration, early in the morning following his nearly sleepless night, Captain Cox led his men in a counterattack on the enemy infantry.

16. 'Alarum is a collection composed in the "mournful shadows", skulking beneath your window at that very hour of a sleepless night when you feel most alone, to deliver up to …