skirmishing in English

engage in a skirmish.
reports of skirmishing along the border
synonyms:fight(do) battle withengage withclose withcombatclash with
    fight(do) battle withengage withclose withcombatclash with

Use "skirmishing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "skirmishing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "skirmishing", or refer to the context using the word "skirmishing" in the English Dictionary.

1. What Bedevils them is our consistent skirmishing

2. Foraging and skirmishing took place here during the Civil War.

3. Although frequent high-level negotiations were subsequently, held, skirmishing continued.

4. The war thus far had featured mostly skirmishing along the Roman–Armenian border.

5. After five days of skirmishing, the two Kings decided to array their troops for battle.

6. Bush has become embroiled in destructive skirmishing at home even as his aides maneuver adroitly to avoid pointless battles abroad.

7. Skirmishing continued in the days following the battle, while Burgoyne waited in the hope that reinforcements would arrive from New York City.

8. [French brigantin, from Old French Brigandin, from Old Italian brigantino, skirmishing ship, from brigante, skirmisher; see brigand.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

9. When the Knights refused, the French general responded by ordering a large scale invasion of the Maltese Islands, overrunning the defenders after 24 hours of skirmishing.

10. The city was then Blockaded, no provisions, cattle orhorses, were allowed to enter; besides this, there was only alittle skirmishing, and a few men daily killed

11. [French brigantin, from Old French Brigandin, from Old Italian brigantino, skirmishing ship, from brigante, skirmisher; see brigand.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language