skeptics in English

a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.
How does he gain by fortressing himself and his administration away from critics, skeptics , and questioners?
synonyms:cynicdoubterpessimistprophet of doom
an ancient or modern philosopher who denies the possibility of knowledge, or even rational belief, in some sphere.
Xenophanes was a sceptic who denied that knowledge could be obtained by us humans; at best we merely have beliefs, the truth or falsity of which will remain largely unknown to us.

Use "skeptics" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "skeptics" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "skeptics", or refer to the context using the word "skeptics" in the English Dictionary.

1. Skeptics scoff at the idea.

2. Are the claims of skeptics justified?

3. The social network for atheists, Agnostics & skeptics.

4. 24 Events since the elections have proved the skeptics right.

5. And modern-day skeptics are usually biased against Bible prophecy.

6. Is God Cruel? Many skeptics and atheists claim God is Cruel

7. 18 Some skeptics might ask: ‘How could such a thing happen?

8. This is Bigfooting, where believers marvel, skeptics dissect, and cynics snicker

9. Skeptics point out that only a small percentage of greenhouse gas emissions are man-made.

10. Even hardened skeptics must admit that Jesus was a real, historical person.

11. 17 Knee-jerk rejection of new ideas is not how skeptics work.

12. Of course, some skeptics disagree, asserting that facts and statistics are subjective and can be manipulated.

13. The difference between Global Warming Alarmists and Global Warming skeptics is a psychological difference

14. is a non-profit community for atheists, Agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, skeptics and others!

15. Crypto social network BitClout Arrives with a bevy of high-profile investors — and skeptics

16. While trainers try to distinguish between the two, skeptics often view diversity as just warmed-over affirmative action.

17. Skeptics will say that cohousing is only interesting or attractive to a very small group of people.

18. Skeptics argue that the belief in something does not necessarily justify an assertion of knowledge of it.

19. What expressions do you visualize as being on the faces of the skeptics described in verse 13?

20. So McCain Assiduously is courting economic and social conservatives, some of them skeptics who remember his jibes from before.

21. Do you share the skeptics’ viewpoint that the Bible is nothing more than a book expressing flawed human thinking?

22. (Ac 17:18, 19) Another school of philosophy was that of the Skeptics who held that, in effect, nothing really mattered in life.

23. Introducing #Antiskeptic, a movement of people who hold the media outlets that choose to feature climate change skeptics to account

24. This is a community for Atheists, agnostics, and skeptics to exchange ideas, discuss issues, explore challenges, make friends and have

25. Skeptics often argue that corroboration of the Gospels is too limited, but the nature of the Corroborative evidence shouldn't surprise us.

26. Brande Reader is a highly literate escrow officer in the title transaction business and with a pleasant personality, she can turn skeptics to believers at ease

27. Apollonius of Tyana is said to be a LOT like Jesus according to skeptics like Bart Ehrman, Richard Carrier, Robert Price and their many followers

28. There was so many skeptics, especially the press in London, that they started flying cheeseburgers on helicopters around my box to tempt me.

29. Unlike skeptics who make light of Bible prophecy, we discern how world events line up with what God’s Word foretold for our day.

30. Four decades may be passed, but ideas put for, by Erik Von Däniken, are still captivating his followers. and frustrating the skeptics to this day.

31. 11 But if we're going to politicize the military, we need to figure out a way to air the views of the uniformed skeptics, too.

32. Skeptics have long attacked the Book of Daniel as unhistorical, citing, among other things, the silence of the secular historical record of any king named Belshazzar

33. Skeptics consider the case to be a hoax, describing it as "sensationalizing on the part of the media" and "a put-up job to make money".

34. Internet Infidels maintains a website of educational resources about agnosticism, atheism, freethought, humanism, secularism, and other nontheistic viewpoints particularly relevant to nonbelievers and skeptics of the paranormal.

35. At each acceleration stage there are skeptics who see and Bemourn the decline of humanity, trivialization of knowledge, dumbification of the masses, distortions of reality, fake news, etc

36. Determined to find natural explanations, modern skeptics offer scenarios that include delirium, hallucination, a drastic psychological crisis provoked by the qualms of Saul’s tormented conscience, a nervous breakdown, and an assumed predisposition to epilepsy.

37. Weak Atheism, agnosticism and skepticism are all "I don't know" theological positions, with weak atheists subscribing to atheistic presuppositions, true agnostics "sitting on the fence," and skeptics capitulating to ignorance.

38. Boogeymen takes an in-depth look at the history of local monsters and travels to the small, picturesque towns where they appeared to listen to both believers and skeptics as they investigate the most recent sightings

39. Boogeymen takes an in-depth look at the history of local monsters and travels to the small, picturesque towns where they appeared to listen to both believers and skeptics as they investigate the most recent sightings

40. Against the "rational capacity", "Conventionalist", Kantian and early Wittgensteinian views, other philosophers, especially radical empiricists and naturalists (not to speak of epistemological skeptics), have rejected the claim that a priori knowledge exists (hence by implication also the claim that analytic

41. Repeatedly this year we have heard the admonition, from acolytes of Covid-19 lockdowns, to “follow the science.” Many of the Admonishers presume that lockdown skeptics are myopic, “anti-science” miscreants infected with a reckless disregard for human health, safety, and life.

42. And I think the getaway message from that would be that Islam, despite some of the skeptics in the West, has the potential in itself to create its own way to democracy, create its own way to liberalism, create its own way to freedom.

43. Todd Zywicki, a professor of law at George Mason University, called the legislation underpinning the rule, the so-called Durbin amendment, " Asinine." Conference pulls in cap skeptics Rock god senior citizen Eric Clapton incited controversy with Asinine pronouncements in his egocentric autobiography.

44. And I think the takeaway message from that would be that Islam, despite some of the skeptics in the West, has the potential in itself to create its own way to democracy, create its own way to liberalism, create its own way to freedom.

45. Penn & Teller: Bullshit! was hosted by professional magicians and skeptics Penn & Teller.Its format consisted of debating political topics, usually from a naturalist libertarian capitalist point of view (the political philosophy espoused by both Penn and Teller) or aiming to debunk pseudoscientific ideas, paranormal beliefs, popular fads and misconceptions.

46. And such skeptics can find comfort in the fourth kind of immortality story, and that is legacy, the idea that you can live on through the echo you leave in the world, like the great Greek warrior Achilles, who sacrificed his life fighting at Troy so that he might win immortal fame.

47. Scientific skeptics do not assert that unusual claims should be automatically rejected out of hand on a priori grounds—rather they argue that claims of paranormal or anomalous phenomena should be critically examined and that extraordinary claims would require extraordinary evidence in their favor before they could be accepted as having validity.

48. "A Unified Network of Doctrinally Sound Podcasts for Your Edification & Enjoyment." After spending years on YouTube addressing and refuting the arguments of all manner of skeptics and atheists, on April 1, 2014 Len and Tim decided to start the Bible thumping Wingnut podcast, but not just to refute arguments, but to equip other Christians to do the same while also engaging in discussions of

49. Sa mère est une presbytérienne convertie au Catholicisme.: Her mother was a Presbyterian who then converted to Catholicism.: Le Catholicisme polonais a confondu les sceptiques et les critiques jusqu'à présent.: Polish Catholicism has confounded skeptics and critics before.: Graduellement, après sa sortie du séminaire de Québec, Papineau se détache du Catholicisme.

50. 1600, "calmness, impassivity," a term used by stoics and skeptics, from Modern Latin, from Greek Ataraxia "impassiveness," from a-"not, without" (see a-(3)) + tarassein (Attic tarattein) "to disturb, confuse," from PIE root *dhrehgh-"to confuse." It seems to have been disused; when Ataraxia appeared in print in English in 1858 it was regarded as a