siskin in English

a small songbird related to the goldfinch.
Seedeaters such as evening grosbeaks, goldfinches, and pine siskins prefer black oil sunflower and niger thistle.

Use "siskin" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "siskin" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "siskin", or refer to the context using the word "siskin" in the English Dictionary.

1. Animals: AARDVARK, ALPACA, AMADAVAT or Avadavat (Indian song bird), BLACK MAMBA (snake), CARACAL (lynx), CARACARA (vulture-like bird), MATAMATA (a turtle), HELLBENDER (salamander), LEVERET (young hare), TREECREEPER (bird), TREE SHREW, INDRIS (a lemurine animal), SISKIN (bird), KOODOO or COODOO (antelope), MOORCOCK (bird), POTOROO (kangaroo-rat), …

2. ‘The Bittern, a brown heron, came close to dying out six years ago and conservationists feared there were only 11 ‘booming’ males left.’ ‘For every obvious crossbill, razorbill, greenfinch, woodpecker, warbler, treecreeper, swift or flycatcher there is a mysterious wigeon, garganey, gadwall, Bittern, siskin, pipit, shrike or twite.’

3. Accentors Siberian Accentor Old World Sparrows House Sparrow Wagtails and Pipits American Pipit Finches and Allies Brambling Evening Grosbeak Pine Grosbeak Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Black Rosy-Finch House Finch Purple Finch Cassin’s Finch Common Redpoll Hoary Redpoll Red Crossbill Cassia Crossbill White-winged Crossbill Pine Siskin Lesser