simple eye in English

a small eye of an insect or other arthropod that has only one lens, typically present in one or more pairs.
Complementing the large compound eyes, locusts have three much smaller simple eyes or ocelli characterized by rapid signal transmission and high photic sensitivity but very poor spatial resolution.

Use "simple eye" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "simple eye" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "simple eye", or refer to the context using the word "simple eye" in the English Dictionary.

1. A “simple” eye will move us to resist worldly distractions

2. 15 Followers of Jesus today see the wisdom of keeping a simple eye.

3. 5 What good results there can be when children are trained to keep a simple eye!

4. 10:22) This question will be considered in the part “Reap Blessings for Keeping a Simple Eye.”

5. Others have kept Jesus’ word by maintaining a ‘simple eye,’ despite being surrounded by affluence and greed.

6. (b) In both a physical and a spiritual sense, how does a person maintain a simple eye?

7. 4 The urgency of our times makes it even more important that we maintain a simple eye.

8. Having a simple eye does not mean living in abject poverty or being negligent in caring for our Christian responsibilities.

9. “His example has taught me how to keep a simple eye and to put spiritual things in first place,” Macarena says.

10. A Copepod is characterized by a teardrop shaped body, large antennae, and, at least in the larval stage, a single, simple eye in the center of its head

11. The first talk by the visiting speaker, “Keeping a Simple Eye in a Wicked World,” will warn us of things that can complicate our lives and gradually choke our spirituality.

12. Distinguishing features of a Branchiopod include a small body (0.25 mm - 10 cm long), paired compound eyes, single simple eye, simple mouth parts, leaflike or phyllopodous appendages, and minimal body tagmosis. The nervous system and sensory system are simple, although some species vibrate their compound eyes to gather more visual information.