signalisation in English

noun signalisation (Brit.)

act of emphasising; act of making prominent or conspicuous; obvious indication (also signalization)

Use "signalisation" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "signalisation" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "signalisation", or refer to the context using the word "signalisation" in the English Dictionary.

1. On one hand, classical copper cables are used for the cost-effective connection of terminals such as machine controls, industry PCs, signalisation or monitoring systems to the network.

2. Manuals ▪ Act Respecting Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases (Quebec) ▪ Cahier des charges et devis généraux, MTQ (CCDG) ▪ Canada Labour Code ▪ Canadian Electrical Code ▪ Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, sections 1 to 16 (CSA) ▪ Canadian Uniform Traffic Control Devices Manual ▪ Contract Administration for Project Managers Manual ▪ Corporation's By-Law ▪ Corporation's Emergency Measures Plan ▪ Corporation's Policies and Procedures ▪ Manuel d'inspection des structures (MTQ) ▪ National Building Code of Canada ▪ Normes du MTQ: conception routière, construction routière, ouvrages d'art, abords de route, signalisation routière, entretien, matériaux ▪ Quebec Highway Safety Code ▪ Recueil des méthodes d'essai laboratoire des chaussées (MTQ)