sickened in English

make (someone) feel disgusted or appalled.
she was sickened by the bomb attack
synonyms:cause to feel sick/nauseousmake sickturn someone's stomachrevoltdisgustmake someone want to throw upgross out
become ill.
Dawson sickened unexpectedly and died in 1916
synonyms:become illfall illbe taken ill/sickcatch something

Use "sickened" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sickened" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sickened", or refer to the context using the word "sickened" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sickened by his monstrous act,

2. The fetid odour sickened the hospital workers.

3. She's sickened all that she had eaten.

4. Their squalor and wretchedness have sickened me.

5. The stench of blood and waste sickened him.

6. 8 Their squalor and wretchedness have sickened me.

7. 4 The thought of such cruelty sickened her.

8. Bleurgh meaning Expressing a sick or sickened feeling, or vomiting.

9. I was frustrated by my ghetto, sickened by my reputation.

10. Sickened in their absence, blissful in their company; love's fool.

11. They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found.

12. All decent people should be sickened by such a pointless waste of life.

13. The Bishop said he was sickened by the severity of the sentence.

14. With her vivid imagination, Melissa could visualise the scene and it sickened her.

15. Synonyms for Ailed include bothered, distressed, troubled, worried, pained, afflicted, upset, sickened, agitated and alarmed

16. Antonyms for Captivated include repulsed, disgusted, revolted, sick, nauseated, repelled, sickened, bored, disenchanted and disenthralled

17. Lady Bird Lake experienced a harmful Algae bloom in 2019, which sickened and killed several dogs

18. Lady Bird Lake experienced a harmful Algae bloom in 2019, which sickened and killed several dogs

19. 15 I had heard them complaining of how nauseated they felt, how the very thought of food sickened them.

20. I thought that maybe Elsie went under finally sickened and stifled by the righteous attitudes that prevailed at the time.

21. A POISON-GAS attack on the Tokyo, Japan, subway in March 1995 killed 12 people, sickened thousands more, and helped reveal a secret.

22. Real Water Alkalized water is being recalled because it is associated with a non-viral hepatitis outbreak that has sickened at least five people in Nevada

23. SOCIETY is being Convulsed and sickened by the accusations of historic child sex abuse carried out by powerful men who were shielded by a cloak of establishment respectability

24. They were not sickened by such exhibitions because the ghastly butcheries of the amphitheatre had long since debased their feelings and perverted their instincts.” —Matthew 5:27, 28.

25. Denmark Culled thousands of mink in the northern part of the country after 11 people were sickened by a mutated version of the coronavirus that had been observed among the animals

26. Denmark Culled thousands of minks in the northern part of the country after 11 people were sickened by a mutated version of the coronavirus that had been observed among the animals.

27. The poisons Bioaccumulate in the wildlife that prey on rodents, and they, too, become sickened or die from "rodenticide intoxication." Although second generation anticoagulants are designed to kill in one feeding, both first and second-generation anticoagulants cause bioaccumulation and …

28. ‘Others may well be shocked or slightly sickened by the film's determination to be as filthy rude as possible on the way to raising A laugh.’ ‘It's not particularly groundbreaking, but it's a good hour of fun that raises A laugh or two each week, which is as much as I expect these days.’

29. ‘The Cruel act has shocked animal carers in Swindon, who say they are sickened by the deed.’ ‘History will judge the actions of your government as Cruel and barbaric.’ ‘A I think it's natural in the human spirit to be loving and kind but clearly humans can easily be incited to be evil and Cruel.’

30. ‘The Cruel act has shocked animal carers in Swindon, who say they are sickened by the deed.’ ‘History will judge the actions of your government as Cruel and barbaric.’ ‘A I think it's natural in the human spirit to be loving and kind but clearly humans can easily be incited to be evil and Cruel.’

31. As one reads history, not in the expurgated editions written for school-boys and passmen, but in the original authorities of each time, one is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed, but by the punishments that the good have inflicted; and a community is infinitely more Brutalised by the habitual employment of punishment, than it is by the occurrence of crime.