shrugged in English

raise (one's shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference.
Jimmy looked inquiringly at Pete, who shrugged his shoulders

Use "shrugged" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shrugged" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shrugged", or refer to the context using the word "shrugged" in the English Dictionary.

1. She shrugged her shoulders abjectly.

2. 23 What for? shrugged Spook.

3. She shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

4. Firebug shrugged, his eyes distant.

5. The Count shrugged his broad shoulders.

6. 11 He shrugged off the criticism.

7. She shrugged her shoulders Abjectly

8. Sam shrugged and said nothing.

9. He shrugged helplessly and said nothing.

10. She shrugged nonchalantly and turned away.

11. Shaker just shrugged and looked unhappy.

12. The girl shrugged her pretty shoulders disdainfully.

13. Spider shrugged it off reluctantly, his tone stoic.

14. Bailey shrugged, not altogether convinced by Kolchinsky's outburst.

15. The Bitingly cool hipsters of the capital shrugged

16. I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored him.

17. Challenger shrugged, but tossed the football as requested.

18. He spread out his arms and shrugged his shoulders.

19. He shrugged the suggestion off with a deprecating smile.

20. He finally gave me a sheepish grin and shrugged his shoulders.

21. He both nodded and shrugged, which seemed to irritate her.

22. Mr. Mendez shrugged and both of them turned to the adobe.

23. She shrugged off the dressing gown and stepped closer to Patrick.

24. Blanche wished her patience had lasted longer but she shrugged stoically.

25. The stock market shrugged off the economic gloom and rose by 5%.

26. Others simply shrugged at the inevitable passing of a delusional has - been.

27. 11 The stock market shrugged off the economic gloom and rose by 5%.

28. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled as if deprecating his lack of education.

29. Gebrec shrugged, climbed aboard, started the engine and drove out of the yard.

30. 25 The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.

31. One Georgetown player shrugged off the contretemps. "Man, it's just a game, " he said.

32. But the question just seemed to bemuse him. He shrugged and said, "Everybody is."

33. He looked at me suspiciously through bloodshot eyes, then shrugged and let me pass.

34. When asked about who had broken the old vase,he only shrugged his shoulders.

35. Stock markets shrugged off the worries and rose in Asia, leaving currency markets to roil.

36. 5 quotes have been tagged as hugh-d-Ambray: Ilona Andrews: ‘Desandra shrugged her shoulders

37. And he looked at me and he shrugged, and he said, in French, "On doit."

38. 21 Lais shrugged away her discomfort at the remembrance of what Bennet thought of her.

39. Berthe Weill shrugged and crossed the street after him to the catcalls of the crowd.

40. Likely, I shrugged my shoulders and went off to bed feeling ashamed at my vehemence.

41. Carter shrugged and fetching a, paraffin stove from inside a caravan began to take it to pieces.

42. At this intimation the Gun club merely shrugged its shoulders and returned to its great work.

43. The head keeper shrugged and led them back up a passageway to a cleaner empty cell.

44. Poland may have shrugged off communism, but the scandalously bad infrastructure that it bequeathed lingers on.

45. The man shrugged, confident in the power of the Prince to protect, at least against the Parquet.

46. Floyd Johnson tried to pull Varney back, but Varney shrugged him off and looked ready to lunge.

47. 18 She shrugged and resumed her morose study of the green glass which stood in front of her.

48. Davide had seen the priests, who had shrugged and thrown up their hands indolently at the laundress's problem.

49. When Converse described his adventures in the motel kitchenette, the lawyer shrugged and smiled in an irritating manner.

50. The Indian economy has shrugged off the dilemma of fits and starts; it is firing on all cylinders.