show-offs in English

a person who acts pretentiously or who publicly parades themselves, their possessions, or their accomplishments.
My arts degree days were essentially high school with more complicated essay questions, featuring the usual parade of show-offs and kiss-asses, vain and lazy professors, and some good people too.

Use "show-offs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "show-offs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "show-offs", or refer to the context using the word "show-offs" in the English Dictionary.

1. Those rich kids are disgusting show - offs.

2. Peacocks and nightingales are aesthetic show-offs.

3. In their quest for mates, some guppy males are show - offs.

4. Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.

5. Who are these show - offs who agreed to carry the sandwich board?

6. 3 Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.

7. The peahen is somewhat fussy, but she has a weakness for show-offs.

8. The words commonly used to describe egotistical individuals are extremely disparaging; we call them arrogant, haughty, big-headed, vain, conceited, stuck-up, or pretentious, and brand them Blowhards, show-offs, snobs, narcissists, pompous asses, or worse.

9. Potential Contestants have to be extrovert without being annoying, pushy show-offs.: In 2013, the first computer systems to pass the Turing test are allowed as Contestants.: All Contestants who last the entire night without leaving the house will receive prize money.: There have been many books about Apollo, a high proportion by the Contestants in the race to the moon.