shed light on in English

spread knowledge concerning a certain subject

Use "shed light on" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shed light on" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shed light on", or refer to the context using the word "shed light on" in the English Dictionary.

1. Can you shed light on this problem?

2. Investigators hope to shed light on what started the fire.

3. This may shed light on Soviet views of such zones.

4. (c) How does this shed light on Acts 1:8?

5. Cross-national comparison can also shed light on this question.

6. Recent research has shed light on the causes of the disease.

7. A government report shed light on the causes of local floods.

8. Hoppe hopes his experiment will shed light on a biological mystery.

9. Manteo shed light on its people's habits, tribal customs and battle strategies.

10. Such missions could shed light on the origins of life in general.

11. Stem Cells of Schizophrenics Could Shed Light on Causes of Mental Illness

12. Advanced spectroscopic methods shed light on cellular quality control mechanisms with atomic resolution.

13. Certain facts concerning the Anglo-American world power shed light on the matter.

14. One expert thinks these studies shed light on an important and pervasive problem.

15. How does an understanding of ancient athletic games shed light on certain Bible verses?

16. To shed light on their equivalence, we consider an idealized system of N molecules.

17. Therefore they shed light on the comparative institutional questions with which we are concerned.

18. Thus, Astrochemistry is crucial to test model predictions and to shed light on our origins

19. A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.

20. The data collected shed light on the complex pathways for production of the amino acids.

21. Smith, of the White Star Line, shed light on a spiritual banquet. —Isaiah 25:6.

22. New images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shed light on the Andromeda Galaxy's violent past.

23. A team at the Weizmann Institute of Science has now shed light on this mysterious mechanism.

24. With music, poetry, and spoken word performances, ¡Activista! will shed light on issues including climate

25. Information Asymmetry shed light on the importance of aligning interests of managers with those of stakeholders

26. The study sought to shed light on two questions: How do pupils experience school science lessons?

27. Eastin and her task force hope to shed light on the challenge by early next year.

28. An analysis of the results should shed light on the workings of the Northern Ireland labour market.

29. Directed Acyclic graphs (DAGs) 1–4 are frequently used in epidemiology to shed light on causal relationships

30. Either way it is a unique object and will shed light on how galaxies and quasars form.

31. While historical context can help shed light on these acts of violence, it does not excuse them.

32. In addition, the research is expected to shed light on the social consequences of cities' changing economic roles.

33. These new studies can shed light on Alternaria radicina pathogenicity and ways to protect plants from its harmful effects.

34. Narcissism Charmingly Toxic: Personality Theory and Narcissism The Five Factor Model can shed light on what makes a narcissist

35. Cellebrite Blacklight enables the in-depth analysis of computer volumes to shed light on user actions and surface leads

36. A fretful wind was not enough to open them and shed light on the ruptured earth in which they lay.

37. OPA shed light on subsonic jet pump aerodynamics, noise propagation and reduction techniques through a combined numerical and experimental approach.

38. And the study of D-Branes has shed light on some of the most elusive elements in the universe, black holes .

39. Brophy said the man was not considered a suspect, but investigators hope he can shed light on what started the blaze.

40. The work of EXCHARGEHYD will advance the field of molecular dynamics and shed light on a current mystery in physical chemistry.

41. Many theories proposed have shed light on the labor migration issue, including the neoclassic migration theory, human capital theory, and behavioral theory.

42. In this context, unhappiness and homesickness were probed to shed light on acculturation and hopefully ease immigrant integration in the long run.

43. New investigative techniques have opened up the black box of the brain and have begun to shed light on its inner workings.

44. Reverent people keenly awaited the Messiah’s coming to abolish suffering, tyranny, and poverty, and to shed light on life, prosperity, and tranquillity.

45. The complex particle jets produced by high-energy collisions in particle accelerators can shed light on the origin and evolution of the Universe.

46. Archaeologists delved into medieval Cesspits to study old gut microbiomes The data may shed light on differences in hunter-gatherer and urban microbiomes

47. Finally, the uniqueness and complexity of composite component design and manufacture were summarized, which could shed light on China's development of large-scale aircraft.

48. Results also shed light on tone representations, showing that both L1 and L2 listeners are able to form abstract representations of third tone Allotones

49. WOMEN + CULTURE + STORIES This project will shed light on the Belizean culture and unfold stories of women who descend from this beautiful melting pot

50. By applying adequate analysis algorithms acoustic screening devices might be able to shed light on the extent of sleep disordered breathing in the future.