sheba in English

the biblical name of Saba in southwestern Arabia. The queen of Sheba visited King Solomon in Jerusalem (1 Kings 10).

Use "sheba" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sheba" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sheba", or refer to the context using the word "sheba" in the English Dictionary.

1. Abraham lived in Beer-sheba and pastured flocks nearby

2. Bath-sheba bears Solomon (24, 25)

3. What sins does David commit over Bath-sheba?

4. King David saw the beautiful Bath-sheba bathing.

5. 16 David’s liaison with Bath-sheba produced a son.

6. It was the beautiful Bath-sheba, wife of Uriah.

7. Sheba Farms has long been a flashpoint for conflict in the region.

8. David should have stopped thinking about having Bath-sheba.

9. So she went wandering Aimlessly through the wilderness of Beer Sheba.

10. One day, David began to look at the beautiful woman Bath-sheba.

11. What did the mercy shown to David after his sin with Bath-sheba involve?

12. Fearing for his life, Elijah fled to Beer-sheba, west of the Dead Sea.

13. What do I care about incense from Sheba or sweet calamus from a distant land?

14. Because the area was dry, Bible accounts about Beer-sheba emphasize wells and water rights.

15. Jehovah could read the hearts of David and Bath-sheba and see their genuine repentance.

16. King David of Israel made many mistakes, including his well-documented adulterous relationship with Bath-sheba.

17. 8 Some who take this action are like the queen of Sheba in the days of Solomon.

18. To hide their sin, David had her husband killed and then took Bath-sheba as his wife.

19. 2: Bath-sheba —Theme: Repentant Wrongdoers Can Receive God’s Favor— it-1 pp. 263-264 (5 min.)

20. The Philistines had “seized by violence” a well of water dug by Abraham’s servants at Beer-sheba.

21. Of course, the queen of Sheba also made a big sacrifice in time and effort to visit Solomon.

22. (Exodus 20:14, 17) The problem began when David caught sight of Bath-sheba while she was bathing.

23. David found out that her name was Bath-sheba and that she was married to a soldier named Uriah.

24. Learning that she was Bath-sheba, the wife of Uriah, a soldier in his army, David summoned her, and he committed adultery with her.

25. King David committed adultery with Bath-sheba, had her husband killed in battle, and then took her as his wife.

26. Nearly 4,000 years ago, a violent dispute erupted among shepherds about access to a well near Beer-sheba in Israel.

27. For instance, while Abraham was in Beer-sheba, where did he send his servant to find a wife for Isaac?

28. The adulterine child born to Bath-sheba soon died, even though David fasted and mourned over the sick child for seven days.

29. 15 Another temporary lapse in the fear of God led David into an immoral relationship with Bath-sheba, the wife of Uriah.

30. There was a Judean population at Beersheba in the postexilic period , and Judean occupation extended from “Beer-sheba to the Valley of Hinnom” .

31. And after David discovered that the wife, Bath-sheba, was pregnant by him, he ultimately orchestrated the murder of her husband.

32. 8 Consider what happened after Nathan the prophet confronted King David of ancient Israel about David’s adulterous relationship with Bath-sheba.

33. He committed adultery with Bath-sheba, and when efforts to cover over the sin failed, he arranged to have her husband killed.

34. ‘How,’ you may ask, ‘could Jehovah continue to bless King David after David committed adultery with Bath-sheba and then caused the death of her husband, Uriah?’

35. The queen of Sheba was so impressed with Solomon’s wisdom and the prosperity of his kingdom that there was “no more spirit in her.”

36. He acknowledged that he had indeed “despised” Jehovah by his conduct in connection with Bath-sheba, and he accepted the deserved reproof. —2 Sam.

37. He's not sure how he ended up on the island, but after being befriended by Solomon and Sheba, cheerful Chugger's ready to make the most of it!

38. The Aksumite Empire began in the first century AD in what is now Ethiopia and is believed to be the home of the Queen of Sheba

39. Even though Bath-sheba had failed to recognize it, Solomon discerned the true intention behind Adonijah’s request that she ask the king to give him Abishag as a wife.

40. (2 Samuel 12:1-4) The prophet appealed to David’s love of justice and righteousness, even though it had not been in evidence in his actions involving Bath-sheba.

41. Antibodies increase by 6 to 20 times after second Pfizer dose - Sheba Results showed that Antibodies were higher than those who suffered severe cases of the virus.

42. However, when that ruse failed, and he was faced with the terrible alternative of having Bath-sheba stoned as an adulteress, he opted for having Uriah exposed to sure death in battle.

43. Beersheba Also known as Tel Beer-Shev'a, Tel Beersheba, Tel es-Sabba', Tel Saba, Tell es-Sabba', Tell es-Saba', Abu Matar, Be'er-Sheva, Beer Sheva, Beer-Sheba, Bir-al …

44. After sinning in connection with Bath-sheba, the repentant psalmist David begged: “Create in me even a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one.”

45. (2 Samuel 7:11-16; 12:7-14) Bath-sheba evidently had a repentant attitude, for she was privileged to become the mother of King Solomon and an ancestress of Jesus Christ.

46. Aksum is said to be the birthplace of the biblical Queen of Sheba Eritrean troops fighting in Ethiopia's northern region of Tigray killed hundreds of people in Aksum mainly over two days in

47. (Song of Solomon 3:6-11) He housed her in his royal court, a court so impressive that when the queen of Sheba saw it, “there proved to be no more spirit in her.”—1 Kings 10:4, 5.

48. Did the Queen of Sheba really call the town’s dusty streets home? Does the Ark of the Covenant that holds Moses’ 10 Commandments reside in a small Aksum chapel? Is one of the Three Wise Men really buried here?

49. Bol'-sam (basam, besem; hedusmata; thumiamata): Is usually "spices" but in the Revised Version, margin (Song of Solomon 5:1,13; 6:2) is rendered as "Balsam."It was an ingredient in the anointing oil of the priests (Exodus 25:6; 35:28).The Queen of Sheba brought it as a present to Solomon (1 Kings 10:2) in large quantity (1 Kings 10:10) and of a finer quality (2 Chronicles 9:9) than