she'd in English

she had; she would.
When her son was a small boy she'd take him to the park at the end of their street to play.
a simple roofed structure, typically made of wood or metal, used as a storage space, a shelter for animals, or a workshop.
With judgment like that, would you trust any of these gentry to put a roof on your garden shed ?
synonyms:hutlean-toouthouseoutbuildingshackpotting shedwoodshedtool shedgarden shed
park (a vehicle) in a depot.

Use "shed" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shed" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shed", or refer to the context using the word "shed" in the English Dictionary.

1. She'd twist and turn, she'd fold herself double, she'd cry out.

2. And when she'd finished that she'd start on him.

3. She'd travelled light today; she'd packed no dressing gown.

4. If I told her that she'd upset him she'd be mortified.

5. She'd lived 95 years and she'd never had a hallucination before.

6. 25 If I told her that she'd upset him she'd be mortified.

7. She'd be like:

8. She'd forgive him anything.

9. Though she'd lost her job, she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly.

10. She'd become a myth.

11. She'd braided her hair.

12. She'd never known his surname.

13. She said she'd call back.

14. She'd forgotten the time difference.

15. But she'd bear closer inspection.

16. They were afraid she'd snitch.

17. She'd got a stinking cold.

18. 19 She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it.

19. On the few occasions she'd spent holidays at home she'd been a social outcast among her contemporaries.

20. She'd like to come with us.

21. She'd never think of imposing herself.

22. She'd had nothing but bad luck.

23. She'd laughed her head off at his contribution to the couplet, and now she'd sent it in.

24. It was as though she'd been let loose from shackles she hadn't even known she'd been wearing.

25. She'd come to a dead end.

26. 28 She'd be scarred for life.

27. She'd give away her last penny.

28. She'd got him by the collar.

29. She'd have auburn hair, about this tall.

30. I thought she'd been treated rather harshly.

31. She'd never seen such a champion blusher.

32. She'd actually use those words with clients.

33. She'd lied about it out of pique.

34. Thank God, she'd find Dr. Meade soon.

35. She'd put herself in an invidious position.

36. I wish she'd lighten up a bit.

37. She'd always wanted to go to Thailand.

38. Midwife didn't think she'd last the night.

39. She'd make us get rid of it.

40. I wish she'd stop being so sanctimonious.

41. She was flaked out, as she'd said.

42. Now she'd arrived she felt queasy inside.

43. Yeah, well, I thought she'd be alone.

44. She'd already gone when we got there.

45. She'd rung up to discuss the divorce.

46. Well, because she'd wanna talk to me.

47. She'd have blisters the size of pancakes.

48. I'd say she'd rate about a seven.

49. She swore that she'd never seen him.

50. Though she observed he hadn't thought she'd win her way into a Councilship, she'd made it in by a single vote