cast aside in English

put aside, push to the side; abandon, neglect

Use "cast aside" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cast aside" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cast aside", or refer to the context using the word "cast aside" in the English Dictionary.

1. Cast aside your fears.

2. Cast aside; cast away; Abjected

3. She cast aside the old clothes.

4. He cast aside all his inhibitions.

5. He cast aside the newspaper impatiently.

6. He cast aside all his old books.

7. Every impediment to flight was cast aside.

8. Responsible soil management practices are cast aside.

9. Do not cast aside the love of truth.

10. You must cast aside all thoughts of revenge.

11. We've done our part and we've been cast aside.

12. Cast aside all illusions and go into the battle.

13. He cast aside all his old friends when he became rich.

14. She has been able to cast aside ( = stop using ) her wheelchair.

15. When Henry became King, he cast aside all his former friends.

16. We cast aside many thing when they are no longer needed.

17. We should now cast aside all the political rhetoric of the campaign.

18. A wife who shared her husband's hard lot must never be cast aside.

19. Yet the problems are not of such proportions that hope has been cast aside.

20. That is my point: you have cast aside the probability of future happiness on a whim.

21. But this Eros had cast aside his bow and cruel arrows; he sat playing a lyre!

22. It is too much to expect musicians to deliberately cast aside the fringe benefits of success.

23. If only Bleach focused on this area more, and cast aside its dated centers as a plot-story

24. Nelson, in Timor-Leste, cast aside long-standing animosity and made a close friend of a former enemy.

25. As soon as he became rich he cast aside all his old friends who gave him some help.

26. Everything else was cast aside, beginning with even elementary care over arrangements to get there on the night.

27. Some may fear that they will be cast aside and ignored when old age causes their vitality to wane.

28. Unfortunately, the results of the 1828 election were cast aside in a Centralist coup d'etat led by Anastasio Bustamante.

29. In recent years, Christians from the two traditions have cast aside centuries of hostility to lobby on political issues.

30. Synonyms for Binned off include threw over, thrown over, abandoned, cast aside, casted off, deserted, discarded, finished with, jilted and left

31. A guilt-ridden Mickey roams the wasteland and faces up to friends he cast aside and eclipsed with his own fame.

32. University officials have displayed no sense of moral obligation toward a female student cast aside in the rush to pander to Phillips.

33. 8 University officials have displayed no sense of moral obligation toward a female student cast aside in the rush to pander to Phillips.

34. Garrison appealed to the master's heirs for redress, but was repelled with Contumely. We shall not be cast aside in Contumely and unblest after all we have suffered.

35. The world needs more than ever to unite, cast aside our differences, political views, racial and colour Biasnesses and learn to love all fellow humans and help each other

36. 19 And all the utensils that King Aʹhaz cast aside during his reign when he acted unfaithfully+ we have made ready and sanctified,+ and they are before the altar of Jehovah.”

37. If you play through Alexander Bruce's Antichamber, you'll know what 'impossible' feels like and also how to beat it! Set in a convoluted world where you can never be too sure which way is up, Antichamber challenges you to cast aside your usual video game logic and …

38. Underneath his Carping about provocative dress is a jealous and irrational partner.: I like the big, strong, epic effect in the theatre a lot more than plays in which people sit around Carping at each other.: On the whole, I'd say that all this Carping about liberalism on campus tends to accomplish very little.: Plus the need to cast aside the Carping which has suggested this is the wrong