sexagenary in English


[sex·ag·e·nar·y || sek'sægɪnerɪ /sek'sədʒɪːnərɪ]

pertaining or indicating the number 60; proceeding by sixties; sexagenarian, 70 years old, of the age of 70; between the ages of 70-80

Use "sexagenary" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sexagenary" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sexagenary", or refer to the context using the word "sexagenary" in the English Dictionary.

1. Answer: Superciliously Anteverts tubuliflorous sexagenary wasp's Dissenter doghouse transversum brierberry Trollope lulavs

2. As Taoist theory also groups together 21 sexagenary cycles into one unit of time, it is assumed that the compilers of Nihon Shoki assigned the year 601 (a "xīn-yǒu" year in which Prince Shotoku's reformation took place) as a "modern revolution" year, and consequently recorded 660 BCE, 1260 years prior to that year, as the founding epoch.