setting to motion in English

activating, making move

Use "setting to motion" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "setting to motion" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "setting to motion", or refer to the context using the word "setting to motion" in the English Dictionary.

1. I'll contact you directly about setting a plan in motion.

2. In order to use the screen and bubble effects, the Reduce Motion setting needs to be turned off.

3. In the fields of Health the Commission proposes setting in motion a comprehensive action programme to accelerate necessary safety standards.

4. Furthermore, we are setting in motion a trajectory to the nations with the goal of international prayer strikes and Contend Gatherings.

5. The Crankshaft converts reciprocative motion to rotational motion

6. Motion Alarms work in a similar fashion to motion lights

7. Our founding fathers drafted and adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring America’s freedom from Great Britain and setting in motion universal human rights

8. That motion is called Constrained motion

9. Activation noun start, triggering, turning on, switching on, animation, arousal, initiation, mobilization, setting in motion, actuation A computer controls the Activation of an airbag

10. In the end, the differences between a Motion to Revoke and a Motion to Adjudicate are

11. Rework this motion to suppress.

12. Reciprocating piston engines use Cranks to convert the linear piston motion into rotational motion.

13. How biovision system to percept motion and motion form is the topic in this paper.

14. Anharmonic motion and non-harmonic motion means the same thing under oscillatory motion(non-harmonic motion may also mean non-oscillatory motion like linear motion etc..but keeping thing under the topic of oscillation here)

15. To put with this motion to dismiss.

16. Linear movement: uniform motion in a straight line, motion under constant acceleration (motion under gravity);

17. Related to Constrained: Constrained motion CONSTRAINT

18. The motion to Adjourn was carried

19. The motion to adjourn was carried.

20. Allison's filing a motion to dismiss.

21. Chordata Motion is the open-source motion capture system

22. Normally closed to avoid undesired motion.

23. Choreograph is designed to describe motion

24. Motion sensors!

25. I urge you to support this motion .